The Fraud of AGW vs the Real Threat to Humanity- Endocrine Disruptors

I am hoping that some, most or all of my regular readers have taken the time to watch, listen to Jan's interview with Curtis Duncan-  The Chemical Manipulation of HumanityThe Chemical Manipulation of Humanity. Through Endocrine Disrupting toxic pollutants, chemicals.  Is this mainstream? Is there an equivalent of the authoratative (not)  IPCC addressing this issue? The answer to both of those questions is NO. Information on Endocrine Disruptors comes through the media in dribs and drabs- But there is no constant drum beat on this topic. Not like the loud persistent thumping and thrashing of the AGW agenda.The UN, via the IPCC, is the face of this life controlling, restricting, tax burdensome, carbon trading, carbon taxation, restricting humanity agenda. Yet the UN stays oddly quiet on the massive, global, Endocrine Disruptor problem. One that is affecting us not just present day but  has been poisoning us for some time now. But it isn't just the poisoning, it is the alterations of our DNA. This harm is not just limited to the  human species. These chemicals are affecting every other creature of this planet. These endocrine disruptors cause harm to our future progeny. Our children & grandchildren, our great grandchildren and so forth and so on! Down each of our genetic lines. What will be the result?When there are mass die offs, immediately the UN and the corporate media beat the AGW drum.Forgetting, conveniently so, about the radiation from Fukushima , but that's a story for another day. But never, ever does the media or politicians or NGO's or the UN really shine a light on the huge issue/ problem/calamity of Endocrine Disrupting chemicals in the environment.Over the week end I took a bit of time to find some additional information regarding Endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on us and every thing else on our planet.Lo and behold it seems the UN has done some studies on this subject!  A 38 page PDF from 2012, makes very clear that this group is quite, quite aware of this global malady and have been since 2002. So, why the silence? Why aren't the petro chemical companies being reigned in? Where are the NGO's? Where are the elite sanctioned protests? Elite approved 'climate change' protests vs all other non-elite approved protests Where are the celebrity talking heads, coming out to shine a light on the problem? Leonardo DiCaprio et al? Where is Al Gore- Carbon Billionaire- He cares so deeply for the environment.. He wants to save the planet- Or so far too many gullible people believe?Instead all is quiet- for obvious reasons. Endocrine Disruptors are intimately connected to the petro chemical industry and since not a one of the elites have any REAL/TRUE interest in reigning this industry in- dead silence.Therefore it is up to us all- The people. To get this issue to the forefront- We are going to start by becoming better informed- And what better place to start then with this 38 page pdf Read it! Also- quoting from here

Taking the animal and human evidence together, the report demonstrates a strong likelihood that exposure to EDCs during fetal life and/or puberty plays a role in the proliferation of male and female reproductive problems, endocrine-related cancers, infections, asthma, obesity, diabetes, and behavioral and learning disorders, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The incidences of these conditions have increased significantly not only in the United States but across the globe. Because genes do not change fast enough to explain this increase, environmental causes must be involved. The environmental contribution to disease is estimated to be 24–33% of the global disease burden

Endocrine Disruptors are contributing to as much as ONE THIRD of the global disease burden! We need our environment cleaned up and we need it done now!I have said humanity is endangered on many an occasion. I was not kidding!Get past the bogus AGW agenda. It's just a way for the elites, banksters and other psychos to enrich themselves while  further crushing/controlling domesticating humanity. The Endocrine Disrupting chemicals are something we can address- and bring about change to- by demanding cleaner products, by boycotting these toxic products as much as possible. Please share this information, thanks :)