Former Trump supporter, Russian opposition leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky condemns America (VIDEO)

Leader of Russian opposition party LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), Vladimir Zhirinovsky has made a powerful statement regarding America’s attack on Syria.
The leader of Russia’s third most popular political party said that the attack was certainly planned in advance and that the false flag chemical attack was part of a design to prepare public opinion to be on side when it came time for America to attack.
Zhirinovsky called it,

“A direct act of aggression by America against Syria”.

Zhirinovsky, the political veteran who founded the first recognised opposition party in the Soviet Union reiterated that the presence of countries like America and Turkey in Syria is illegal, as unlike Russia, those countries have not been invited by the Syrian government.
He affirmed that Syria has the right to defend herself against aggressors and that as a precaution, Russia should mobilise extra troops and ships in preparation to defend Syria. This may all ready be happening according to recent reports. 
While the Kremlin has not promised future retaliatory measures, Zhirinovsky stated that Russia ought to do so.
Although he stated that Trump may have been misinformed or misled, ultimately, the attack was Trump’s mistake and America’s moreover. These are powerful words considering that unlike President Putin, Zhirinovsky was a strong Trump supporter during the election.
Now watch Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s full interview on events in Syria.

The post Former Trump supporter, Russian opposition leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky condemns America (VIDEO) appeared first on The Duran.
