Following the Money to War Profiteers

Peter B. Collins presents Christian Sorensen
In this Newsbud special, BFP contributor Christian Sorensen and Sibel Edmonds talk about Sorensen’s latest breakdown of Pentagon spending, a regular feature here. Sorensen makes a compelling argument that terrorism has replaced the cold war as the driver of our military machine and the huge profits it throws off to corporate contractors. Sorensen displays an encyclopedic knowledge of DoD outlays, informed by the wasteful spending he observed while serving in the Air Force. After reviewing some details from his February report, we discuss the need for independent media that won’t take advertising from the military industrial complex, in order to provide uncompromised coverage of the Pentagon and other powerful arms of the government.
*Christian Sorensen is an independent writer and Arabic translator. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 2007-2011. The profligate waste he witnessed during his time in uniform forced him to reassess his support for U.S. Empire. Mr. Sorensen holds advanced degrees in Translation Studies and International Relations. His writings focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict and U.S. imperialism. Read his latest report here.

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