Focus… Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)

Former Congressman William Hughes with son, Bill, Jr.Why bother focussing on LoBiondo? There are many districts in red-leaning and even solidly red congressional districts in the hands of Democrats. There are almost no Republicans in blue districts. In California Gary Miller and David Valadao both won because of failed DCCC recruiting and both will probably lose their seats in 2014. Mike Coffman (R-CO) and Chris Gibson (R-NY) are in D+1 districts and both are under intense attack, Coffman from the former Speaker of Colorado's House of Representatives, Andrew Romanoff, and will probably lose and Gibson, if he survives, will survive because of the DCCC's atrocious recruitment of a carpetbagger billionaire. That leaves one Republican in blue territory, LoBiondo, safely, it always seemed, entrenched in NJ-02 (since 1994. He represents the South Shore including Atlantic City where Obama beat McCain and Romney handily-- with 53% against McCain and 54% against Romney. LoBiondo has always won in landslides-- until last year, when Cassandra Shober, with no help from the DCCC whatsoever, held him to 58%, his lowest margin in 2 decades.He spent $1,336,918 and, because the DCCC wouldn't back her, Shober only managed to raise $55,144. LoBiondo won all eight counties in the district, even while Obama won all but Cape May and Ocean counties. This cycle LoBiondo isn't going to have it as easy. He's been touted as one of the Republicans who could be in jeopardy of losing his seat over the government shutdown he supported and the MoveOn/PPP poll shows a very tight race when LoBiondo is pitted against a generic Democrat. He won't be running against a generic Democrat though. Attorney and former federal prosecutor Bill Hughes, Jr, son of ex-Congressman William Hughes, just declared his candidacy. And it appears the DCCC will get behind him.

Hughes resides in Northfield, Atlantic County, and has spent the last 12 years as an attorney for Cooper Levenson. In a statement announcing his 2014 campaign, he said he was committed to “ending the irresponsible gridlock in Washington” and finding solutions that bring more jobs to the region.“New Jersey residents are tired of the irresponsible brinksmanship in Washington that brought on the reckless government shutdown and continues to threaten jobs,” Hughes said. “Our community can’t afford to be represented by someone who continues to oppose any reasonable solutions and keeps repeating the same failed policies that are hurting our economy. New Jersey needs a new and responsible leader who will work to protect and grow our middle class, create new jobs and spur our local economy. That’s why I am running for Congress.”

He made his announcementThursday in Atlantic City at Kennedy Plaza and told supporters and the media that “The days of low accomplishments and low expectations in South Jersey is over. Change begins today. We have seen the best of what LoBiondo has to offer in 20 years. … It’s time for a change.” This seems to take some steam out of the potential candidacy of state Senator Jeff Van Drew of Cape May, who everyone had assumed would challenge LoBiondo next year. I spent a long time on the phone with Hughes yesterday and he seemed fine on the social issues-- like Choice and equality-- and fair-minded on economic justice issues. He professed a great admiration for both "moderate" Rob Andrews and progressive Rush Holt. And he's a huge fan of Eric Clapton, Neil Young and Green Day.