Florida Cop Suspended for Body Slamming Woman, Knocking Her Out, Accusing Her of Faking it

A Florida cop who was caught on video body slamming a woman because she was arguing with her boyfriend is now serving an 80-hour suspension.
Cape Coral Police Captain Michael  Torregrossa, whom was first identified on PINAC, began serving his suspension Monday of last week. He will also be required to take remedial training and to review use-of-force techniques, according to The News-Press.
Prosecutors reviewed the footage but determined he had broken no law.
But an internal affairs investigation determined he had violated departmental policy on conduct unbecoming a police officer, improper force of use and failure to provide medical aid in a use of force incident.
The incident took place March 13 in a parking lot of a bar where a 23-year-old woman named Brittnie Nickole Fails was drunk and arguing with a male friend, who had taken her keys to keep her from driving.
The woman was obnoxious, shouting and shoving her friend, who was being patient and telling her to just take a cab home.
Another man was standing to the side recording, sensing that things could easily get out of control.
But nobody expected Torregrossa to come running up from behind her and swinging her around where she landed on the pavement with a thud.
“Uncalled for, sir,” says the man recording as the woman ends up laying on the ground, not moving or speaking.
“Get her up, she’s sitting there faking it,” Torregrossa says.
“I’m trying to get her home,” it sounds like her friend tells the cops. “I don’t want to do nothing with this.”
“We were right there, we could have helped,” the cop tells him, whose idea of helping is obviously a little warped.
“She’s out, dude,” says the man recording.
“She’s not out, she’s playing games,” Torregrossa says.
Torregrossa then threatened to arrest the man recording.
Fails was charged with disorderly intoxication but the charge was dropped.
She now has an attorney who is considering filing a lawsuit.

The post Florida Cop Suspended for Body Slamming Woman, Knocking Her Out, Accusing Her of Faking it appeared first on PINAC News.
