Fireworks burst over Tahrir Square after Army Statement

Fireworks burst over Cairo's Tahrir Square, the centre of protests against Mohamed Mursi, and across the Egyptian capital after the army suspended the constitution and appointed a new, interim head of state on Wednesday. 

Fireworks burst over Cairo's Tahrir SquareFireworks burst over Cairo's Tahrir SquareDoes that strike anyone as odd? When were the fireworks ordered? Or were they on hand? How long did the set up take? Looks like a nice show. Doesn't it? And that is the problem, isn't it?That it looks like a nice show.Fireworks and shouts of joy emanate from Tahrir Square after a broadcast by the head of the Egyptian military confirming that they will temporarily be taking over from the country’s first democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi. "Freedom is Slavery" comes to mind.
