"Fire And Fury" Is Complete Bullshit.. Wolff Never Interviewed ANY Trump Cabinet Officials Before He Wrote His "Book"!

Just the other day someone asked me for my take on the recent "expose" that has been all over the Jew spew media and the "talk of the town" in the US and even up here in Canada as well, called "Fire and Fury"..... I figure that I would put up one article here to give my own two cents worth about that "book"..OK, I will not beat around the bush here... I can not stand Donald Drumpf at all , for the simple fact that he is a Jew butt kisser and does NOT have America's best interests at heart... He has surrounded himself with Jew treacherous "dual citizens" that do not give one hoot about America and the will of the American people.. They only care about their glorious and most evil twisted and psychotic "state" of Israel, that is a pure poison on this planet.... Many have claimed that these monsters have been "manipulating" Drumpf and have been the ones directing his policies.. I find things a bit different, where Drumpf himself has always been controlled by the Jews and has always had their interests come first and foremost, and therefore he maybe listening to his 'cabinet' and his inner circle of Jews, but he is absolutely an Israel firster and has always been...Suffice to say, I have read several of the "exposes" that have come online that this "Michael Wolff" has claimed has been happening during the first year of the Drumpf Presidency.... This character "Wolff" puts out a pretty good spin of Drumpf, claiming that the US President is basically incompetent and a buffoon.. This "book" is therefore a hit piece to the extreme in efforts to try to destroy Drumpf (even though he is doing a pretty good job on his own with his Jew butt kissing), but I have wondered about the "sources" that Wolff has been using to get his information from?Well, lo and behold, but this "Fire and Fury" may indeed be nothing more than a pure piece of garbage and nothing but pure "fiction"... For according to the following link that actually comes two days ago from the Daily Caller online news service, at www.dailycaller.com, apparently this "Wolff" character did NOT even interview ANY of Drumpf's cabinet members at all before he wrote this "book"!   Here is the link to that Daily Caller report here for everyone to see for themselves:http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/08/wolff-didnt-interview-pence-cabinet-members-for-book-video/NTS Notes:  WHY am I not in the least bit shocked by this report?  It goes to show that this "book" is indeed nothing more than pure fiction and filled with stories basically based on "second hand" news and here-say!  Honestly, how can this writer put out this "book" without even talking to Drumpf's cabinet first to give verification of the information it contains?Again, I have no love for Drumpf, for I see him as dangerous for the American people and absolutely does NOT have the American people's best interests at heart... However, apparently even though Drumpf is indeed in the back pocket of the Jews, they are working their magic now using this "Wolff" character (who no surprise to me is Jewish as well..) to put out this fiction to try to either destroy his credibility, OR as I am surmising; to be used as a weapon to make sure he follows his marching orders directed by the Jewish elite....The bottom line is this... This "book" called "Fire and Fury" is based on nothing factual, and sadly so many people have swallowed its paragraphs of bullshit without any thought... We have the Jew spew media right now ramming this thing into the minds of gullible Americans and brainwashing them into the belief that this book is based on fact... It is indeed an astounding piece of fiction and pure propaganda at its best...More to comeNTS