21st Century Wire says…
In so many respects, ‘our’ media is not our own.
In the past, 21WIRE has detailed various aspects of Operation Mockingbird and other CIA-related media pursuits, as well as many other bogus news stories which appear on a regular basis.
Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison in Homeland (Season 4, PR Art). – Photo: Jim Fiscus/SHOWTIME
Previously, we showed how the Hollywood hit ZeroDarkThirty was a completely fabricated piece of fiction which was passed on to the public as a “true story”. Also, the popular TV series, Homeland, is one of the most obvious propaganda productions in recent years, designed to reinforce many flawed assumptions and false believes about the world outside of the United States.
Did you know that the CIA has actually produced a number of high-profile ‘history’ TV programs that appear on US and world media channels?
Yes, it’s true…
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a finger in every pie including… the entertainment business: it turns out that the CIA has played a role in producing at least 22 entertainment projects; investigative journalist Adam Johnson argues that by doing this the US intelligence agency puts American media workers at risk.
It seems that the US Central Intelligence Agency follows the theory that says that there are no little or insignificant things. The intelligence agency has long been keeping an eye on the Western entertainment industry and has even had a role in producing popular fiction movies and documentaries.
In his article for Fair.org media watchdog investigative journalist Adam Johnson argues that this type of collaboration may cast a shadow over the image of US media workers and even put them at risk.
“For years, artists from across the entertainment industry — actors, authors, directors, producers, screenwriters, and others — have been in touch with the CIA to gain a better understanding of our intelligence mission,” the CIA public website reads.
According to the website, the CIA’s goal in engaging with the industry is to ensure “an accurate portrayal of the men and women of the CIA, and the skill, innovation, daring, and commitment to public service that defines them.”
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