FDA Approves GMO Apples & Potatoes, Likely No Labeling

From the organization that brought you the approval of suicide-linked Prozac, a side effect which the drug manufacturing was fully aware of before selling to the public, comes a new declaration: the new GMO apples and potatoes are perfectly safe! Better yet, they’re just as nutritious as conventional crops. And chances are you won’t even know if you’re eating them.
Then again, you may be unaware of the announcement last November that the first genetically modified potato had been approved for planting — a move that we knew would lead to full scale approval by the alphabet agencies (FDA, USDA, EPA). The potato, along with the new GMO apple, is designed to be resistant to browning through alteration of its natural enzymes.
The latest announcement from the US Food and Drug Administration on their latest round of ‘safety’ analysis regarding GMO crops is highly predictable. And I bring the term ‘safety’ testing into question for good reason. Let us not forget that it was back in February of 2012 that Bloomberg revealed the special ‘speedy approval process’ behind GMO crops that the USDA was implementing.
In other words, special exemptions for biotech giants like Monsanto.
And the FDA is ‘still deciding’ whether to require some labeling on the GMOs, but chances are they won’t require any labeling indicating that they’ve been genetically modified. The manufacturers will also not be indicating that the products have been modified, though they may place a ‘snowflake logo’ on the apples somehow. As the Wall Street Journal reports:

“The FDA is still deciding whether to require labels on the apple or potato, alerting consumers to the traits that make them different from conventional varieties. The agency is unlikely to require a label that identifies the products as being modified.”

Following the planting approval for GMO potatoes back in November of 2014, food experts spoke out against the ‘worrisome’ results of the planting. Here’s what Doug Gurian-Sherman, Ph.D., director of sustainable agriculture and senior scientist at the Center for Food Safety (CFS), had to say on the issue:

“We simply don’t know enough about RNA interference technology to determine whether GE crops developed with it are safe for people and the environment.  If this is an attempt to give crop biotechnology a more benign face, all it has really done is expose the inadequacies of the U.S. regulation of GE crops.  These approvals are riddled with holes and are extremely worrisome… We need answers to these questions before these potatoes are commercialized”

Now that these produce items have officially been signed off on by the FDA, we enter yet again a new age of genetically modified crops that top experts agree will cause ‘global consequences’ that we do not yet understand.

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