FBI ‘double standard’ briefing Hillary Clinton & NOT Trump. The redacted country revealed… (Video)

Via The Daily Mail UK (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8656517/Graham-FBI-showed-double-standard-briefing-Hillary-campaign-investigation-not-Trump.html)…
Lindsey Graham said Sunday that the FBI and Justice Department exhibited a ‘double standard’ in the 2016 presidential race in how it went about informing Hillary Clinton about an investigation into foreign influence in her campaign but did not do the same for Donald Trump.
The South Carolina senator told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning that FBI leadership shot down a request for a FISA warrant until Clinton was briefed on the matter.
‘They never did to Trump,’ Graham said during his interview on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’ ‘As a matter of fact, not only did they not tell Trump, they used a generic briefing to spy on Trump.’
He pointed to a newly released redacted document detailing an October meeting where FBI personnel briefed the Clinton campaign so they were able to fix the issue without a FISA warrant ever being needed.

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FBI ‘double standard’ briefing Hillary Clinton & NOT Trump. Redacted country revealed… by The Duran

FBI ‘double standard’ briefing Hillary Clinton & NOT Trump. Redacted country revealed… The Duran Quick Take: Episode 647. Via The Daily Mail UK (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8656517/Graham-FBI-showed-doub…)… Lindsey Graham said Sunday that the FBI and Justice Department exhibited a ‘double standard’ in the 2016 presidential race in how it went about informing Hillary Clinton about an investigation into foreign influence in her campaign but did not do the same for Donald Trump.

