Fantastic News Out Of Syria: CIA/Mossad Fraud Of ISIS Is Now So Weakened By Russian Strikes And Desertions, It Could Be Destroyed In Hours!

I absolutely have been applauding what the Russian Federation is doing right now in Syria.... Since the Russian Federation started its aerial campaign against ISIS targets within Syria as of last week, the strikes have been so successful that we find the criminal US government stuck in a quandary...The US criminal government created ISIS a few years back as its latest and greatest "terrorist group" for the overthrow of the good guys, the Bashar al-Assad government, and for the last year at least that "terrorist group" was running roughshod over the nation by destroying towns and villages and killing innocent Syrians in the process.... And of course the US and its NATO "allies" had the audacity to further inflict damage on the Syrian nation by launching air strikes in which they have fooled the world into the false belief they were aimed at the "ISIS terrorists" when in reality they targeted Syria's infrastructure and Bashar al-Assad's government forces.... It did appear that Syria was destined to fall and turn into another US "friendly" horrific proxy state, but along came Russia to stop the madness....Yes, the Russian intervention into Syria at the direct request of the Bashar al-Assad government has indeed turned into a smashing success... And it is now getting so bad for the US/Israeli "ISIS" forces that according to the following article from the Express online news service out of the United Kingdom, it appears that their sick attempts to destroy Syria is coming to a rapid end... The article is entitled: "ISIS So Weakened By Russian Airstrikes And Desertions It Could Be Destroyed In HOURS" and is a must read by everyone... I have the important link toit right here and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: I do love the way this article does try to play down what Russia is doing and the Express has indeed been trying to find any way they can to vilify what Russia is doing.. But the facts are they can find nothing at all to try to make Russia look like the bad guys here! It is especially laughable how this Express article tries to assert that "Western" airstrikes, as well as Russia's, have weakened the BS Islamic State, when in fact the Western "airstrikes" were always in support of the fraud of "ISIS"!  It has absolutely been 100% the Russian air strikes that have finally put an end to the madness....And yes what Russia is doing in days proves that the power of this fraud "ISIS" was absolutely an ILLUSION all along.. The Jew spew western bullshit media did its job perfectly in suckering everyone into the false belief that this fraud was somehow this "powerful" group when in fact it was absolutely all smoke and mirrors....I am absolutely proud of what Russia is doing in Syria and have indeed been following closely the events over the last few days as the Russian Federation is doing in a few days what the US has not been able to do in years.. That is to utterly destroy ISIS once and for all!Lets face the facts right here once and for all...... What we see happening in Syria right now proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what I and others have stated for years... ISIS and the entire "war on terror" is nothing but a fraud and a sham... The US and its criminal cohorts have never ever wanted their fraud terrorism scam to ever end, and now Russia has had enough of their bullshit and is indeed stopping the madness once and for all...BUT of course we find the US state department in a sad state of affairs.. They have lost their attempts to have Syria destroyed on behalf of their sick masters in Tel Aviv, and cannot admit defeat.... This is why we find the absolutely insane notion that the US will have to admit that it created and has supported ISIS all along and will openly fully arm their fraud "terrorist group" in this proxy war against Syria and Russia... And the gullible American people will still not figure it out for themselves!The bottom line here is that Russia coming into Syria to support the common good of the Syrian people is a victory for the entire planet against evil.... We may indeed be seeing a major turning point in the war to save the Middle East against Israeli, and their puppets in the US, aggression......Lets hope that other nations stand up finally and take notice as well...More to comeNTS