False Rape Claims In The News

The misnamed #MeToo Movement was thrown into turmoil by the recent claims of Tara Reade when a number of prominent feminists (read hypocrites) sided with Joe Biden ignoring the de rigueur “believe all women” mantra. Sadly, this movement is unlikely to burn out anytime soon, at least not before due process has been totally eroded worldwide. However, there have been two very recent high profile cases, one on each side of the Atlantic, which will hopefully cause it even more grief.
A law professor has just won a $1.2 million defamation judgment in Minnesota, while in the north of England a teenager has been accused of spreading grotesque lies that were clearly designed to cause serious public disorder. It must be stressed that unlike Brett Kavanaugh, Eleanor Williams is entitled to the presumption of innocence, in spite of her allegations being far more serious than those invented by Christine Blasey Ford.
The grooming gang scandal is real enough, and although some of the accounts have been embellished or even fabricated, the number of victims ran into hundreds, and some of them were treated abominably. Everyone who follows the national news in the UK or the local news in the north of England will be aware of this, and of the outrage some of these cases generated.
For the past year, claims have been circulated about an organised grooming gang of Asian men operating in the Barrow area. This resulted in the arrest, not of the gang, which does not exist, but of the complainant, the aforementioned Eleanor Williams. She was charged with seven counts of perverting the course of justice, and bailed.
This month, a number of images of quite sickening injuries were uploaded to social media, which has resulted in her bail being revoked. She was arrested last Wednesday and has been remanded in custody. It remains to be seen if these injuries were self-inflicted or copied from elsewhere; doubtless that information will be released when she comes to trial.
On May 21, the officer in charge of the investigation (pictured) issued a videoed statement in the usual guarded language of the British police. Even so, there are those who are either uniformed, ill-informed, or beyond reason. The staff and management of the Mithali takeaway in particular have been targeted due to these false allegations.
Superficially, the Minnesota case was a lot more plausible, it involved allegations against one named individual, Professor Francesco Parisi, who met his accuser in a social setting, and soon entered into a relationship with her, one which included a property transaction, always a fatal combination.
This resulted in a civil court case in which the Professor came out on top. Her rape allegation was first raised in this action, the background to which can be found here. So what does a scorned woman do when she loses a court case to a former lover? She goes to the police and accuses him of rape. This four and a half minute video by the Fox 9 news channel gives details of that and other allegations, including claims the lady made about herself.
Although the criminal case against the Professor was soon dropped, Morgan Wright has not spent a day behind bars, unlike him, in fact she has not been charged with false reporting, and it remains to be seen if he will be able to collect even a tiny percentage of his $1.2 million judgment, even though in some eyes he has lost his good name. After all, why would a woman lie, any woman?
The post False Rape Claims In The News appeared first on The Duran.
