The EyeOpener Report- Obama’s War on Whistleblowers (And What to Do About It)

The gulf that exists between the Obama of the campaign trail and Obama’s actions since taking office has been glaringly obvious since the very beginning of his presidency, from his promise to close Guantanamo to his promise not to employ lobbyists to his promise to increase governmental transparency; there have been no shortage of examples of Obama’s duplicity. Until recently, however, his arch defenders have merely covered their eyes and pretended not to see these glaring hypocrisies, decrying his opponents as racist and Obama as a well-meaning president who has been hampered by Republican interference.
One of the clearest and most remarkable signs that Obama was not what he claimed to be has always been the war on whistleblowers his administration has been waging since the moment he took office. This war, unprecedented in scale or scope in the history of the United States, has been waged quietly for years, apparently out of sight of the fawning media and Obama-supporting Democrats.
Join us for this week’s EyeOpener Report to examine Obama’s ruthless and belligerent war waged against whistleblowers and truth-tellers, and find out what to do about it.
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*The Transcript for this video is available at Corbett Report: Click Here

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