Exposing The Global Warming Fraud: Interesting Video Shows World In Midst Of Carbon Dioxide Drought

First... I want to let everyone know that I have been a bit "under the weather" these last few days...My better half caught one heck of a weird 'cold' from her work and brought it home to spread it to myself and our son... I got hit hard on Thursday evening and basically have been laid up these last few days... I was stubbornly able to fire off one article yesterday, while I should have been resting......Luckily, and probably thanks to my better taking care of my health, the worse seems to be passing and I am crossing my fingers I will be 100% by tomorrow when I send off my weekly rant... In the meantime, another astute reader to this blog sent me a most interesting video earlier in the week... It actually was produced almost 4 years ago (surprising I missed it at that time!) and shows some interesting proof that not only is Carbon Dioxide NOT a supposed "greenhouse gas" but that the  planet needs a LOT more Carbon Dioxide in its atmosphere for plant life on this planet to survive and thrive!   I therefore want to present this video right here for everyone to see for themselves... It is entitled: "World In Midst Of Carbon Dioxide Drought (with Professor William Happer, Princeton University)" .... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: This video backs up (almost) everything that I have been stating about Carbon Dioxide at this blog over the last decade... I do feel so vindicated once again!I will state that what is stated is right in regards to CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere... Many people are absolutely unaware that some 500+ Million years ago, the CO2 concentration in our then primitive atmosphere was from 10X to 100x what it is today... This fact alone blows holes in the argument that CO2 is somehow a "pollutant" and "dangerous" to life on this planet, for that concentration in our ancient past helped plant life thrive and produce life giving O2 as the result of planet metabolism......And yes, the present amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is actually very low and is hurting our plant life... It has been already shown that increasing CO2 levels in our atmosphere helps plant thrive and has been helping the world get more "green"... AND we must not forget that plants absolutely help ourselves to live by generating Oxygen for our very lives!I will continue to present videos like this for people to see the truth about the bullshit of "global warming" and how "carbon taxation" is such a criminal fraud.....  It is time for people to get a reality check and to understand that our own crooked governments are lying their asses off when they claim that they need "carbon taxes" when the reality is that they absolutely want the money generated by that nefarious tax....More to comeNTS