Exposing Donald Drumpf: Great Article From Cartier McCloud - Jew Ball-Lickers

I have said it many times that I am NO fan of Donald Drumpf, period... Yes, he did win the Presidency of the United States, but that was simply because the American people were forced to choose between two evils.. One being of course the most diabolical murderous foul creature on planet Earth, Hillary "Killary" Clinton, and the other one being Donald Drumpf.... With NO viable alternative but to have to choose between these two Jewish butt kissing freaks, the choice came down to whether they wanted the United States into World War III by the beginning of February 2017, which of course the lunatic Killary wanted, or to take the other swindler, Drumpf instead....I have been criticized again and again about my articles concerning the American vote, and I do agree with the critics that Drumpf is not the answer for America... But with the American public so gullible and brainwashed and with the failures of a "two party system" of what is passed off as "politics", they chose and they are now stuck with Drumpf for at least the next 4 years in that shithole called Washington DC....And now, to show some reality about Mr. Donald Drumpf and how he is indeed a Jew ass kisser as well as a Jew ball licker, I want to present the following link to an article from Cartier McCloud, over at "Hidden In Plain Site" at www.cartiermccloud.wordpress.com..... It definitely shows once again how Drumpf is indeed in the pocket of the Jewish pricks and how he has "Israel's back".... Here is that link, and my own thoughts and comments to follow:https://cartiermccloud.wordpress.com/2016/12/29/jew-ball-lickers/NTS Notes:  Well, there you have it.... I too have been surprised about the silence from so many who call themselves "real truthers" and how they either purposely or accidentally missed the glaring fact that Drumpf came out almost immediately after that UN Resolution vote supporting the Palestinians in their fight to save their nation, by stating that he indeed has "Israel's back"..... How can anyone see that statement and not see the truth that Drumpf is indeed in the pocket of the Jews????Yes, more and more we are seeing the truths about Donald Drumpf come out for the world to understand that he is nothing more than another in the long line of Jew butt kissers and ball lickers..... We also find the reports since that "resolution" where Drumpf wants to see an end to the United Nations itself...Many have said that this is due to the failings of the UN and how it is nothing more than a "new world order" organization... But something tells me that Drumpf is now calling for an end to the UN primarily at the bequest of his controllers in Israel who may be dumped by the organization for their criminal and illegal actions against the Palestinians...I said many times that we must be very weary of Donald Drumpf and his "Making America Great Again" slogan... We have heard so many times in the past previous US Presidents come out and give false hope for the American people, and I would not be in the least bit surprise that Drumpf follows the same pattern....America... This is only the beginning, and just like with Barry Soetoro before, you may indeed be getting screwed once again!More to comeNTS