Exposing The Boston Bombing Fraud: Excellent Interview With Dave McGowan On "Caravan To Midnight" Show

I am still shocked today to see all the bad and false reports over the Jew spew media outlets proclaiming the guilt of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the Boston Bombing fiasco that clearly was a false flag where NOBODY died... Again, as I stated before it is a severe travesty of justice and shows how truly stupid and ignorant the American public are that they actually believe that "bombing" to be real!I have been scouring the internet the last while for some articles and videos that expose the truth about the Boston Bombing being a fraud.... I have already stated that there are great writers out there, such as Jim Fetzer and many others, who have done their part in trying to inform the American public about the Boston Bombing fraud...And I was recently sent a link to a fantastic video from my good friend, Pt1gard, that I do want to share right here with everyone... This one is quite long and comes from John B Wells' "Caravan To Midnight" talk show dated April 20th, 2015... In this video, that I have right here for all to see for themselves, John B Wells interviews none other that Dave McGowan about the Boston Bombing fraud and exposes many of the errors and inconsistencies that clearly tear the "official report" on the Boston Bombing to pieces and shows clearly that we are indeed dealing with a false flag operation.... First here is that amazing video for all to see for themselves and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow... One warning again is that this interview is almost 4 hours long but is worth the watch for those who want the truth about the Boston Bombing fraud: NTS Notes: Yes, I watched the entire 4 hours of this interview and again the facts presented  are very revealing...I will state again that this "bombing" was indeed a prepared operation that clearly used crisis actors who played their parts very well (and some very poorly).....Again, I am so troubled these days by the fraud American justice system that is willing to send a very innocent man to his death for this operation where AGAIN nobody died.....  It is also troubling that there has been very little outcry from the American public about that travesty... But by now we all know how dumbed down and stupified the average American is due to the brainwashing effect of their lying media and of course the chemicals in their diets.....And again as I stated before, with the American government so willing to send an innocent man to his death for this crime that he absolutely did not commit, the American justice system is now official dead....More to comeNTS