Exclusive Video: State Senator Linda Greenstein Freaks Out

Linda Greenstein is the Democrat who betrayed valient progressive Babara Buono when she was running for governor by running TV ads showing her and Chris Christie working together happily. Now she's a candidate in the primary in NJ-12, hoping to replace Rush Holt. The video up top is a DWT exclusive and it emphasizes what an out of control Greenstein see as her "Enemies List"-- Ewing Township, East Windsor, Hightstown, Hopewell Township, Hopewell Borough, Lawrence Township, Pennington, Princeton, Trenton, West Windsor Township…The video highlights state Senator Greenstein’s outburst after the conclusion of a local Democratic Party leader’s meeting in March which had been called to discuss the upcoming Mercer County Democratic Convention. At this time, she told a roomful of mayors, municipal chairs and other party officials that everyone present from the towns in Mercer County were all her “enemy.”  Greenstein went on to "spare" Hamilton, which is not part of NJ-12, the district she's trying to win June 3rd. I guess folks in Hamilton can root for her.This video shows someone lacking the temperament to be a Member of Congress. Don't we have enough in Washington like that already? Is this the reaction of a leader? I would say not. Announcing to a roomful of respected Democratic leaders that you hate them and they are all your enemy shows a remarkable lack of poise and grace and is certainly not the type of representative progressive Democrats want to see in Congress.Congress does not need another member that will throw a tantrum, we have enough of that with the Tea Party. This is the true Linda Greenstein, and this is not who progressives need to fight their battles, which makes us even more sure about our decision at Blue America to have endorsed Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman.
