Excellent Article By John Kaminski: You Must Know By Now

For years, I have followed the excellent work by John Kaminski, who writes his posts over at The Rebel online alternative news site, at www.therebel.org..... And yes, I have had some critics put forward outrageous comments about John at this blog, including the false notion that John himself is somehow "Jewish" due to his last name "Kaminski".... I know for a fact that the name "Kaminski" is absolutely not Jewish but Polish in origin, and I know for a fact that John himself is absolutely not Jewish.  The slurs against John are typical and are guaranteed vain attempts to somehow stop people from following his works...I want to bring forward here John's latest work, and what I have found to be one of his best so far... It is entitled:  "You Must Know By Now" and it gives an excellent summary of absolute facts that everyone obviously should definitely know by now.... I have that report right here for everyone to see for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:You must know by nowYOUR GOVERNMENT LIES ABOUT EVERYTHINGAND THE JEWS PLAN ON KILLING YOUAdventures in revisionist historyBy John Kaminskipseudoskylax@gmail.comhttp://therebel.org/en/kaminskiYou must know by now that Arabs living in caves in Afghanistan did not knock down the  World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, murdering three thousand people in the process. You must know that all the subsequent USA wars since that have murdered millions of innocent people were total frauds meant to rob defenseless countries of their wealth based on the false pretext of 9/11 and the phony terror hysteria it precipitated.You must know by now that the U.S. government and mainstream media continue to insist the 9/11 Arab hijacker story is true, and that this false fact is being taught in public schools, creating the unfortunate situation in which the government echoed by the media is foisting a deliberately false view of history on the people it pretends to govern, inform and protect.You must know by now that Osama bin Laden died ten years before Barack Obama said he did. You must know that Obama ordered the murders of Seal Team 6 before any of those principled individuals could reveal the lie the president told to boost his election chances.You must know by now that Saddam Hussein didn't have the weapons of mass destruction which led to the United States "shock and awe" invasion of Iraq that murdered more than a million innocent people. You must know that the deal was about stealing Iraqi oil, which has been accomplished.You must know by now that the invasion of Afghanistan was a giant hoax to protect poppy production so the CIA could sell more heroin on the streets of the world. You must know that all those American soldiers who have come home and committed suicide have done it out of shame for the needless atrocities they were involved in.You must know by now that Muammar Qaddafi wasn't cruel to his Libyan people like Barack Obama said he was, that he provided free houses to newlyweds and free college for everyone and had a notion to make all of Africa independent of white exploitation with its own currency. You must know that he was unjustly murdered and raped in the street after Obama declared a no fly zone over Libya in order to steal billions of dollars in gold he possessed.You must know by now that no children died at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The school had been closed for years because of asbestos problems, and dozens of people in town got their houses bought for them for participating in the colossal charade. You must know that this is the most bizarre event in American history, even more bizarre than the false flag 9/11 demolition.You must know by now that no Jews were gassed by Germans during World War II, and that the so-called Jewish Holocaust was a colossal hoax. You must know that the Associated Press reported in 1947 that only 271,000 or so people died in all the work camps, and those deaths were caused by starvation when Allied bombings cut off the supply lines to the camps.You must know by know that Adolf Hitler put forth nine different peace proposals prior to World War II and that the so-called allies — the U.S., Britain and the USSR — were all run by Jews intent on stamping out the greatest threat to Jewish world financial hegemony that the world has ever known.You must know by now that Hellstorm, the greatest book on what America did to the Germans AFTER World War II, is now available in its entirety at <http://therebel.org/en/?option=com_content&view=article&id=809699:thomas-goodrich-hellstorm&catid=198:history&Itemid=3393&utm_source=newsletter_2413&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=autocontent-215-207-135-136-145-139-137-165-177-167-164-201-181-174-173-138-179-180-203-166-204-207-208-206-171-202-176-172-205-210-211-212-213-214-216-217-max-1-type-title-order-created-desc-filter-created>You must know by now that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill John F. Kennedy, and that the job was orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson, David Ben Gurion, Sam Giancana, George H. W. Bush and many other familiar names on the American political scene who couldn't stand the idea that JFK was trying to be an honest president and ruin the financial scam of the Jews who owned the Federal Reserve.You must know by now that no American president has ever been honest — and lived.You must know by now that the FBI has fabricated virtually all the so-called terror events since 9/11.You must know by now that Russia didn't start the massacres in the Ukraine, the U.S. backed Mossad hit team that hijacked the Ukrainian government did.You must know by now that the Bolshevik Revolution was a completely Jewish operation and wound up murdering 100 million non Jewish individuals during the course of the 20th century. Why the U.S. chose Stalin rather than Hitler to support is one of the key questions in American history.You must know by now that we didn't go to the moon, because humans can't survive the radiation above the Van Allen belt.You must know by now that anybody who talks about ETs or beings from other dimensions is, knowingly or unknowingly, helping the Jewish world conquerors remain invisible by deflecting attention from their criminal activities and misdirecting it toward these constructed fantasies.You must know by now that Iran never intended to possess nuclear weapons; their chief ayatollah wouldn't permit them. You must know that Israel has always wanted all its neighbors in a state of convulsed disarray so that they can't focus their wrath on the criminal Israeli state, the racist hideaway of criminals from all over the world.You must know by now that the United States broke every treaty it ever made with the American Indian tribes, and pretty much has broken every treaty it has made with countries around the world.You must know by now that all American elections are fixed by various computer program shenanigans.You must know by know that your current president, an outright homosexual, is married to a man.You must know by know that your previous president had overnight visits from an ex-Marine male escort bodybuilder.You must know by now that Richard Nixon had a homosexual lover named Bebe Rebozo.You must know by now that Lyndon Johnson supervised the murder of John F. Kennedy and had a lover named Mathilde Krim, who was also a Mossad agent.You must know by now that Martin Luther King was murdered by an Army sniper, and that James Earl Ray took the fall for something he didn't do.You must know by now that Bobby Kennedy was killed by a shot from a bodyguard from behind and that Sirhan Sirhan never knew what happened that night.You must know by now that cigarettes contain radioactive polonium for the purpose of population control.You must know by now that genetically modified wheat is a poison meant to reduce the human population.You must know by now that the weather is no longer natural and that Hurricane Sandy was a deliberately engineered storm.You must know by now that the IRS is a private company, funneling all its profits to the Queen of England.You must know by now that there is no law compelling most Americans to pay income taxes.You must know by now that Jews believe it is their Talmudic duty to kill or enslave all the non Jews of the world. You must know that Jews regard all non Jews as animals whom it is OK to kill as long as they don't get caught. You must also know that Jews control all the courts of the civilized world, and non Jews will never receive justice in any court as long as they are opposed by a Jew, because all the judges are approved by the Jews and all the lawyers are trained by the Jews.You must know by now that Jews trumpet the shibboleth of "strength in diversity" for all countries it sabotages by race mixing, but strictly prohibits the intrusion of any non Jews in Israel because Jews know the introduction of foreign races into any homogenous population inevitably destroys that country with endless conflict, thereby creating more money making opportunities for Jews who support both sides and foment further strife.You must know by now that the so-called people running the United States will admit to none of these truths listed here, and that the Department of Homeland Security was created to protect only the Jews, and not the rest of the American people, which is why 97 percent of DHS funding goes to Jewish organizations to assist with the elimination of the non Jewish population.You must know by now that Americans are the most deluded populace ever to live on this planet, thinking that they themselves are heroes while their government goes around ravaging the world for fun and profit. And not just that, that the government Americans have put in charge of themselves is busily and continuously trying to kill its own citizens to adhere to the dictates of the world Jewish organization to kill or enslave the entire non Jewish population of the world.You must know by now that if you don't know everything on this list, your life is in grave jeopardy and your life expectancy is much shorter than you realize.This would be a good checklist to run past your favorite local elected official to make you realize how important it is to vote him (or her) out of office as soon as humanly possible.John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USANTS Notes: I have no disagreements with any of the facts that John presents here... Of course since I am a Canadian, I cannot personally comment on the validity of the "Holocaust" of World War II due to the insane Canadian fraud "Hate Crime" laws that have plagued this nation since the 1970's.and muzzles proper investigation and research by anyone up here about that subject... I repeat again to those who still believe in that touchy subject that if what has been claimed actually happened, then there should be NO laws that prevent research and investigation into that subject, period.  Therefore the "Holocaust" should always be open to scrutiny.  People must always remember that "Truth never needs laws, only lies do"......One subject that come to mind in this list is of course the fact that the Sandy Hook shooting was not only a fraud due to the fact that the school itself was basically an unmanned prop, but the operation was planned and conceived for years before the scoundrels behind it decided to make all the planning and drills they had conducted finally go live once they thought everything was ready and they believed the gullible American people were primed to be duped....It is amazing how many suckers there are out there that actually still believe this and other "shootings" to be real!  As PT Barnum said over a century ago: "There is a sucker born every minute".The other point that John brings up is of course the fraud Apollo moon landings, where not only is travel with present technology for humans to go beyond the Van Allen barrier impossible due to the intense radiation, but the rockets themselves used in that fraud were absolutely not as NASA states...My speculation is that these so called "rockets" were in actuality woefully underpowered, and not the "7.2 million pounds of thrust" as officially stated....  Yes, the Saturn 5 rockets went up in a massive light display (kerosene injected into the nozzles to make the lift off lighting effect look more spectacular and more "powerful"), but because the rockets were hopelessly underpowered, and most probably carrying an empty payload, they were ejected into the South Atlantic once out of sight from the general public watching the "launches" from Cape Canaveral..... From that point on in each Apollo "mission" the preplanned and carefully conceived Apollo Simulation Project took over and people were subjected to nothing more than a massive hoax of pure propaganda and psychological brainwashing....Video taped fake moon settings right on Earth were used that fooled billions of suckers all over the globe.....Astonishingly, so many people still believe in this fraud today.  Again, there are indeed suckers born every minute......Bottom line.. An excellent summary by John, and one that everyone should absolutely know by now...More to comeNTS