Excellent Article By Fellow Canadian Truth Seeker "Greencrow": Was The MSF Afghanistan Hospital Bombing A Mistake? Or Yet Another Psychotic US "Bitch-Slap"?

I for one am still looking for all the answers yet to be discovered about exactly why the US government would conduct such a heinous attack against an unarmed Hospital in Kunduz province, Afghanistan last week.... It is amazing that there has been an almost total Jew spew media "blackout" in the United States pertaining to that horrendous attack that cost the lives of some 22 doctors and patients.... I do believe that there definitely is more to this attack than meets the eye, and it appears that others in the real 'truth movement' have come up with some additional information about this attack that gives  us more questions than answers...I want to turn to a brand new article that comes from a fellow truth seeker from right here in Canada, "Greencrow" who writes the excellent blog "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at www.greencrowasthecrowflies.blogspot.com.... This article, entitled: "MSF Afghanistan Hospital Bombing A Mistake? Or Yet Another Psychotic US "Bitch Slap"?" gives us a possible answer to the mystery as to why the US would possibly do such a horrendous act such as bombing a hospital.... I have that article right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

MSF Afghanistan Hospital Bombing Atrocity another "mistake"? Or, yet another psychotic US "bitchslap?"

MSF hospital in Afghanistan after US bombingHere's a comment I posted on Northerntruthseeker's Blog last night.  It's related to a post he did about the recent US "accidental" bombing of the MSF hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.  I have edited it slightly in the interests of clarity:

Hi NTS:When I heard about the MSF hospital bombing, I immediately thought about the Canadian Tarnak Farm Incident...where four Canadian soldiers were killed and several wounded when they were deliberately targetted by two US reserve pilots over Kandahar, Afghanistan airport (restricted airspace) back on April 17, 2002. The Canadian soldiers were just outside the airfield, doing live fire practice maneuvers at night. The Americans claimed it was an "accident". The pilots were wildly off their route and out of bounds flying in restricted airspace at the time they dropped the bombs on the Canadians. 

Interestingly, according to information that came out in a subsequent US military investigation...the Americans had almost bombed Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan just weeks earlier. Canadian soldiers were on a reconnisance mission, walking along a mountain ridge in Afghanistan when some US fighter jets locked onto them as a target and were moving in for the kill. Miraculously, back in the control tower, a Canadian soldier happened to walk behind some US air traffic controllers sitting at their radar screens and overheard them talking with the pilots about bombing the target. The Canadian soldier said: "Hey, those are Canadians!" at which point the bombers turned away from the intended target. 

Why does the US make these "mistakes?" IMO, it's both a control/fear tactic and a revenge/retribution tactic. In the case of the Tarnak farm incident...PM Chretien was a "reluctant participant" in the Afghanistan "coalition of the willing". In the recent case of MSF...France has made recent statements saying it supports Russia's attacks on ISIS....and France just sold the Russian mistral ships to Egypt....who will likely turn them over to their rightful owner...Russia. Just today, French PM Hollande announced that he will be building MORE ships for Russia.

Here's a brief history of the international charitable organization, MSF:

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) (pronounced [medsɛ̃ sɑ̃ fʁɔ̃tjɛʁ] ( listen)), or Doctors Without Borders, is an international humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization (NGO) and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases. It was founded inFrance.[1] The organization is known in most of the world by its localized name or simply as MSF; in Canada and the United States the name Doctors Without Borders is commonly used. In 2015 over 30,000, mostly local, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, logistical experts, water and sanitation engineers and administrators provided medical aid in over 70 countries.[2] These doctors and nurses decided to volunteer their time to solve issues of world health. Private donors provide about 80% of the organization's funding, while corporate donations provide the rest, giving MSF an annual budget of approximately US$610 million.[3]Médecins Sans Frontières was created in 1971, in the aftermath of the Biafra secession, by a small group of French doctors and journalists who believed that all people have the right to medical care regardless of racereligion, creed or political affiliation, and that the needs of these people outweigh respect for national borders.[4]

After the US demolition of their hospital--killing/wounding staff and patients alike, MSF was forced to leave the Afghan city.  NOTEthat, according to many sources, France has made recent moves to align itself with US "enemy du jour", Russia.  MSF is France's flagship NGO.  Ergo...what better way to warn France and draw it back into the fold--than by suddenly bitchslapping it into line--by destroying a MSF hospital?I'm going to connect the dots here and now between this latest bewildering atrocity and many other similar ones...where a seemingly uncontrolled psychotic element, cowardly operating under the cover of the US military, is able to wantonly "punish" innocents--satisfying their need to "bitchslap" uppity vassal states.  In addition to the Tarnak Farm example, we have the Germanwings passenger jet takedown,that I have previously written about.I know, I know...It sounds insane.  But as I've said many times in the past...when you're trying to analyse the deeds of insane people...you need to drag yourself down to their level and reluctantly put yourself into their diabolically insane mindsets. Bomb crater caused by US fighter jets inTarnak Farm IncidentFour Canadian Soldiers Killed and eight wounded on April 17, 2002NTS Notes: I want to thank Greencrow for bringing this important information to light.....I too find it so coincidental that this attack on the French based "doctors without borders" or "MSF" for short happened just at the time that France has made it perfectly clear to its American "controllers" that they would not partake in any more of America's wars for Israel especially in Syria...And of course we find the reports that have just come out in the last few days that France has moved towards allying itself with Russia against the American fraud known as "ISIS" in Syria itself... I therefore do not think of it as a stretch that the Americans and Israelis have attacked the French MSF presence in that hospital as a message to France to "obey your masters or else".....Greencrow is definitely onto something here... Again, the US/Israel cabal does not accept any of their "vassal" states actually doing something that is contrary to their American/Israeli masters' wishes, and France as well as others definitely do not like what they are witnessing in Syria right now... But again, the US/Israel control is absolute and if any of their slave nations actually speak their own mind, then they are penalized heavily for their stand....One of the best examples of what happens to a vassal nation that actually tries to stand up to their masters is when the Japanese turned against their American/Israeli masters back in early 2011 by taking a firm stand in support of the Palestinians.  They were of course penalized heavily for that stand when the Israelis unleashed their Stuxnet virus into the Fukushima nuclear reactors' safety control systems causing the meltdown of 3 reactors, and poisoning Japan for centuries to come.... The brutal message to Japan then was "do as your masters command" or else.....And as for Greencrow thinking this sounds "insane"... This is not as far-fetched as it may seem, for I have seen this type of action by these criminals before, and yes they would indeed do such a heinous act to make sure the French obey their commands!More to comeNTS