Evil and Power- The Dark Art of Mind Control

If you have been around here for some time you will have grasped at least one constant theme that runs through this blog - 'perception management'. How is your perception managed? The main stream media. Religion. Popular culture would  also be a means of managing you.Fashion. Advertising. You get the idea? Being aware of how it is you are manipulated, managed and thusly controlled is paramount to knowing how to resist the mind control. A few weeks back I came across an interesting pdf.  Called "Evil and Power"It is 27 pages in length. Read it. Print it. Keep it. Share it. While not indepth, it touches on some very interesting facets of the human psyche and how it can be manipulated via situations people are put in.The author talks about:-Blind Obedience to Authority-Ten Traps that Make Good People Go Bad -Deindividuation and DestructivenessAnd more....................... Shortly after stumbling over the pdf, I heard this interview: Henrik from Red Ice & Neil Sanders - The Dark Art of Mind Control

Mr Sanders touches on some of the information contained in the above linked pdf. And suddenly it seemed the right time to post the two items Enjoy them both. Serendipity?!