Europes Top Oil Producers Call for Carbon Pricing- Completely Unsurprising


Europe's top oil and gas companies urged governments around the world to introduce a pricing system for carbon emissions, as governments meet in Bonn, Germany, on Monday to work on a U.N. deal to fight climate change.

You can't fight 'climate change' The climate always changes. The planet has it's own ideas about climate change. Always has. Always will. The rebrand of Anthropogenic (man made/caused) global warming was necessitated when the so called authorities claims/blame of AGW failed to materialize.

The chief executives of BG Group, BP, Eni , Royal Dutch Shell, Statoil and France's Total said carbon pricing "would reduce uncertainty and encourage the most cost-effective ways of reducing carbon emissions widely."

 On May 25th, just a week ago we had the same news out of Canada

Big Oil: Bring on the Carbon Tax- Poseurs Pembina & Desmog blog

The oil companies have NOT had an epiphany of any sort. This is a salesPR  campaign. We're all supposed to sing Kumbaya now with big oil because they have seen the light. That's not what happened!Big Oil always saw the light on the Carbon agenda. They saw the money light. The cash called them.Your cash. Your money. The big oil vacuum is getting ready to suck up your money, your choice and your freedoms- With their partners in crime, of course!From the Reuters article:

"We firmly believe that carbon pricing will discourage high carbon options and reduce uncertainty that will help stimulate investments in the right low-carbon technologies and the right resources at the right pace."

Stimulate investment in "the right" low carbon technologies, right resources of course at the right pace. Who is deciding which are the right low carbon technologies to be invested in using the right resources at the right pace?dumdeeedumdeeedum- Don't think too hard about it- the answer is pretty obvious:BIG OIL-Banks- Big Agriculture- Nuclear Power- GMO/Big AgricultureControl, control, controlExpect more 'realizations' and  lightening bolts leading up to Paris 2015

"The conference objective is to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world."

Personally, I hope it fails. And I will do what I can to help it fail! Because this is not my future!  The Dark Agenda behind the "Resourced Based Economy" Technocracy and CarbonIt is not the future I want for my child and any grandchildren I may be fortunate enough to have.