European country is working with al-Jazeera to film false flag chemical attack in Syria. Why?

Option A: An unnamed European country has doubts about the western media Idlib, Syria chemical weapons spin, and wants to see if the White Helmets really can put together a false flag production. Short answer, of course the White Helmets can, and they do these false flag films often.
Option B: This is some sort of dry run for an upcoming EU/US/Saudi sponsored false flag strike against Assad. The fourth round of international talks on Syria kicked off in Astana on Wednesday…which is always a precursor to the deep state and Saudi Arabia running a false flag incident to derail any chance for peace in Syria.
Sputnik News reports

A false flag fake chemical attack against civilians has recently been filmed by al-Jazeera stringers in Syria, and it was ordered from a European country, a military and diplomatic source revealed on Thursday.
“The “effectiveness” of the White Helmets’ TV-spectacle of accusing Syrian authorities of attacking civilians in Khan Shaykhun with sarin inspired terrorists to continue filming the fake ‘series’. According to info confirmed via several channels, al-Jazeera television channel stringers have recently filmed a staged, fake scene of an alleged chemical attack against civilians by the Syrian Army,” the source told Sputnik.
The source said around 30 fire engines and ambulances, as well as 70 local residents with children transported from a refugee camp were used in the filming across three locations in Idlib province, including Jisr Shughur.
“A multiple simultaneous uploading of filmed fake footage with ‘screaming’ social media comments was due to take place in the next few days (by Sunday) at the separate command of a mastermind and sponsor of the film in one of the European countries,” he added.
This filming appears to be ordered from a European country, the source said.

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