EU’s Eastern Partnership Backs Ukraine in 400-Day War

May 22, 2015
Riga summit participants confirm sovereignty, territorial integrity of Eastern Partnership countries
Eastern Partnership: The West’s Final Assault On the Former Soviet Union

The participants of the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga have confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the members of the Eastern Partnership initiative.
“In this declaration, we have confirmed that the EU adheres to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Eastern Partnership countries,” Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma said at the summit on Friday.
The Eastern Partnership initiative involves six countries (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Belarus).
May 22, 2015
Merkel warns Russia of attempts to interfere with Eastern Partnership
KYIV: The Eastern Partnership is not directed against anyone, especially not against Russia. At the same time, Merkel called on Moscow not to stand in the way of other countries in their desire to become closer to Europe.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said this on Thursday in the Bundestag on the eve of her departure to Riga Eastern Partnership summit, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.
“If our eastern partner-states want to move closer to the values of the European Union, then it is and remains their sovereign decision, and no one has the right to prevent them from their chosen path,” Merkel said.
In particular, speaking about Ukraine, Merkel said: “We in Europe will not accept the way of thinking at the level of the spheres of influence, and this also applies to the situation in Ukraine.”
She called Russia’s annexation of Crimea a cause of “a large-scale destabilization in the east of Ukraine.” A lot of time is needed to stabilize the situation, Merkel noted, adding that the partners have enough patience, as well as determination. Merkel considers the Minsk agreements are an appropriate benchmark.
May 22, 2015
Poroshenko: President of European Parliament to visit Kyiv in early July
KYIV: A number of world leaders will pay their visits to Ukraine in the coming months.
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko told reporters on Friday in Riga, Latvia, the Ukrinform own correspondent reported.
“During our bilateral encounters we have agreed on the extremely intensive schedule of visits to Ukraine in the coming months. This is not only of practical, but also of political significance,” he noted.
He said that President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz will visit Kyiv on July 2-3. The Prime Minister of Canada is scheduled to visit Ukraine in early June.
Moreover, Poroshenko stated that Prime Minister of Croatia and other distinguished guests are expected to visit Ukraine during the summer months.
“This is a convincing demonstration of the support provided to Ukraine in its difficult situation from the whole world,” he said.
