Episcopalian Church to Adopt a ‘Gender-Neutral God’ Policy

Episcopalians in Washington, DC passed to gendered references to God. Reverend Alex Dyer argues that his goal is to follow Jesus' message. In practice, however, his church has become aggressively aligned with leftist politics- and those who used to attend services to follow the message of Jesus have left in droves.

[Comment: God has no need for gender and must be far more advanced than a mere sexual creature, but humans are incapable of conceptualizing a being or entity without gender. There is no word in our vocabulary for such, unless the word is 'it', but that is far from adequate. Imagine how short of the mark it would be to say: "Let us be thankful to God and all that It has created." Humans use the word Him, not to represent gender, but to create an image in the mind that is familiar to the human experience. That image is useful as an avatar of an entity that is unknowable to us and which may have no physical form at all. The Reverend surely knows all this but continues to reinforce the so-called genderless revolution, because it is destructive of the concept of family as the source of personal support and safety. Collectivists are hostile to the family, because it stands in the way of dependence on the state.] -GEG [...]