EPIC MELTDOWN! Rosie O’Donnell protests outside White House, screams “Nyet” in hysteria against Trump and Russia

How insane, panicked and bats**t crazy has the liberal left become? Look no further than Rosie O’Donnell.
The one time famous comedian / actress went on a lunatic, paranoid rant outside of the White House during President Trump’s first address to Congress.
After hysterical “Nyet, Nyet, Nyet” rant is not even the best part of her meltdown.
Displaying her absolute stupidity, Rosie O’Donnell tweeted about Mark Dice’s video where the media analyst roasts her non-stop! Rosie did not bother to see the full video of Dice crushing her idiocy. She was actually proud of the exposure.
Here’s what happened…

Here are Rosie’s tweets where she references Mark Dice’s making fun of her insanity…

ITS TIME TO SCREAM AMERICA – LOUD AND CLEAR AND CONSTANT #ImpeachTrump https://t.co/ITMqSoS6D5 via @youtube #Russia #howDAREhe #howDAREthey
— ROSIE (@Rosie) March 2, 2017

@Rosie @TJGaare you do realize that video is making fun of Rosie right?
— Deplorable Trumpster (@MRPRESIDENTTRU3) March 3, 2017

Rosie O’Donnell on Trump: “He’s going down and so will all of his administration. The charge is treason.” https://t.co/wKEUWbjXze
— ROSIE (@Rosie) March 3, 2017

yo @brianstelter – hi brian – beckel – makes me wet – look at him and hannity makes me horny – tiny dick moronathons #resist #FUCKTWITS pic.twitter.com/uLwBIMc9DE
— ROSIE (@Rosie) March 3, 2017

Here is the video that kicked it all off..

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