Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 128

Dynastic Dominance & Concentration

This episode looks at some of the world’s most powerful and influential dynasties, having examined some of their financial holdings and the structures of their business and corporate empires. Organized largely through holding companies or family offices, these families control or hold influence in a vast array of institutions which in turn invest in and hold assets of the world’s major corporations and banks, which in turn invest in each other. Families like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Desmarais, Agnelli and Wallenbergs own companies that own shares in each other’s companies, as well as some of the world’s top corporations. They are joined by the world’s major monarchs, who manage significant financial and corporate investments in similar companies, or – such as with the Gulf Arab monarchs – also manage sovereign wealth funds that invest billions of dollars in big banks and corporations, ultimately creating a complex web of interconnection and cross-ownership of each other and the world’s major corporate and financial giants.
Listen to the full episode here: