Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 113

Bilderberg 2014

Let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that Bilderberg is – as its member state – a mere ‘private talk shop’ for influential people to get together and speak off the record in an open and honest way. With this (spurious) assumption, this podcast looks in more detail at the steering committee members and invited guests to Bilderberg’s 2014 meeting this past weekend in Denmark. Examining the members and guests to Bilderberg provides a more realistic context in which to criticize the basic assumption of the conference as an innocent “private talk shop”, since those who attend wield incredible influence, and represent oligarchic, imperialistic, dynastic and plutocratic interests. A “talk shop” between such interests is always cause for concern, regardless of whether you define it as “private” or “secret.” Semantics aside, there is reason to be concerned when over 100 of the world’s most influential meet behind closed doors.
Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):