Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 94

What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate

After a recent visit to the United States, I was struck by the level of knowledge and disgust of young Americans I met had toward U.S. foreign policy and toward the concept of Empire. In a time at which the American empire is expanding its technological mayhem around the world, as financial markets have come to dominate nations and regions, and entire populations are punished into poverty and hunger for the benefit of gaining market “confidence,” we have come to a critical point as a society and a species: we need to question the fundamental notions of how our society is ordered, and we must – as a moral necessity – oppose imperialism in all its forms. The elite communicate with one another through otherwise incomprehensible language, and have no means of communicating honestly or openly with the population. So we must communicate with one another, and we must organize an anti-imperial movement. The knowledge is there, the anger and frustrations are present, only the organizing and actions are needed.

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