Early Monday AM: Kurdish Terrorist Militias Violate Truce in Hasakah, Syria

UPDATED: Not a surprise.

hattip to  Charles FasolaAugust 21, 2016 at 6:59 PM

https://mobile.almasdarnews.com/article/kurdish-forces-storm-government… received an alert on the Hasaka situation. US/Israel supported kurds launched a large scale attack.....

Confirmed all over the place- Attack appears to have taken place just after midnight- Syrian TimeEarly evening eastern standard time

DAMASCUS, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- Syria's state news agency said that Kurdish forces violated a recently reached truce in the northeastern city of Hasakah, attacking several government positions early Monday.

Newsweek:---Kurdish militiamen have launched an operation to capture the last districts under the control of the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the northeastern city of Hasaka, they said Monday.

YPG forces began an assault on the city’s southeastern district of Nashwa, near to the governor’s office that is located close to the city center, after midnight Monday.

The Assad regime has accused the YPG of “provocations,” claiming that its security force, known as the Asayish, has bombed regime positions in the city and set fire to government-held buildings.

 The operation to take control of Hasaka comes after Kurdish and Arab forces liberated the northeastern city of Manbij

The operation to take control of Hasaka is not happenstance, it is in fact a planned operation..

Truce in Hasakeh? Kurds deny a deal was reached

It was reported that an agreement had been negotiated with the help of Russia- SAA confirms the agreement.  Kurds Deny- Which tells me the Kurdish militias have no intention of keeping the peace...

Syria's military said on Sunday a truce deal had been reached with the Kurds in the flashpoint city of Hasakeh, but a Kurdish source denied the report and said a deal has yet to be finalized.In a bid to calm tensions, a delegation of Russian officials from the coastal Hmeimim military airport arrived in the nearby city of Qamishli on Saturday for talks with the two sides.A Syrian military source told AFP the deal was struck between regime forces and Kurdish fighters after two days of mediation by regime ally Russia.The three-point agreement calls for a "halt to all hostilities and the return to regime forces of any positions seized by Kurdish fighters" since Wednesday, the Syrian military source said.

More on the truce here:

A truce has been reached between Syrian forces and Kurdish fighters in the volatile northeastern province of Hasakah under a Russian mediation, pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV reported on Sunday.The report said the regime of calm includes a cessation of battles, evacuation of wounded people, return to the previous lines of both parties, and the start of negotiations.The ceasefire starts as of 5 p.m. on Sunday coupled with transporting the wounded to hospitals in the city of Qamishli in Hasaka.

The Kurds promptly breached the ceasefire just over 7 hours later..

The military positions should return to their previous state, as the negotiations are set to start on Monday at the Qamishli airport between representatives of the Syrian and Kurdish sides as well as Iranian and Russian mediators.


The Kurdish YPG militia launched a major assault on Monday, August 22 to seize the last government-controlled parts of the northeastern Syrian city of Hasaka after calling on pro-government militias to surrender, Kurdish forces and residents said, according to Reuters.They said Kurdish forces began the offensive after midnight to take the southeastern district of Nashwa, close to where a security compound is located near the governor's office close to the heart of the city.

Related to:

  • Pentagon: Top US Commander warns Russia and Syria: We'll defend ourselves

  • Kurdish Terrorists Annex More Territory in Hasaka, Syria? Did the US Enforce a No-Fly Zone to Enable Annexation?




    Syrian regime jets pounded US-backed Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria for a second day on Friday, even after the US-led coalition scrambled jets to protect its military advisers working on the ground.

    In another escalation of Syria’s conflict, warplanes from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime were bombarding the city of Hasakeh — targeting Kurdish forces that for months have worked closely with coalition military advisers helping local fighters combat the Islamic State group.On Thursday, the US sent fighter jets to head off airstrikes conducted by regime planes and to protect coalition advisers, but the Syrian planes had left by the time they arrived.

    It was apparently the first time the coalition had scrambled jets in response to a regime action and possibly the closest call yet in terms of Syrian forces coming close to killing US or coalition advisers.

    “This was done as a measure to protect coalition forces,” Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said. “We will ensure their safety and the Syrian regime would be well advised not to do things that place them at risk... We view instances that place the coalition at risk with the utmost seriousness and we do have the inherent right of self-defense.”