Drug Used By ISIS, Other Extremists Developed In NATO Lab

Focus News Agency
May 25, 2015
NATO laboratory in Bulgaria produced captagon used by jihadists: Tunisie numerique

Tunis: Captagon, the drug used by the jihadists with the Islamic State to get tough and fearless, has been developed in a NATO laboratory in Bulgaria, Tunisie numerique writes.
“Captagon is a synthetic drug created in a laboratory of NATO in Bulgaria. Some of the more suspicious people will probably see the latest evidence proving the participation in some of the super-powers and NATO countries in the establishment and expansion of the Islamic State phenomenon,” the news edition comments.
The Tunisian news website explains that after its production the Captagon goes to the Islamists in the form of small white pills.
Tunisie numerique recalls that before the Syrian conflict the drug was used in other conflict zones, adding the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi accused the Islamists in Libya of taking hallucinogens.
Apart from deadening the feeling of fear and pain, the Captagon also has hallucinogenic effects.
