Doomsday Clock Approaches Midnight

Read more on this subject: United StatesFeature Article by Stephen LendmanDoomsday Clock Approaches Midnight
by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)
In its latest report, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS) kept its Doomsday Clock at its closest level ever to armageddon at 100 to midnight.
"(W)e are now at the two-minute warning due to the man-made threats of climate change and nuclear war," said BAS director Rachel Bronson, adding:
Most disturbing is the "undermining of science and law-based approaches to solving major world problems and discarding of international agreements by influenti al leaders."
Bronson erroneously stressed an invented, not a real, "coronavirus pandemic threat" since last year.
The threat (seasonal flu-renamed covid) occurs annually from around October to May.
Earlier it was without state-sponsored/media proliferated fear-mongering mass hysteria, lockdowns, quarantines, mask-wearing, and social distancing that caused infiniRead More or Make a Comment
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