Don't you get put on some sort of list if you're suspected of being "a card-carrying Democrat"?

Just remember, DNC: Yesterday was my "last chance to become a card-carrying Democrat." Thank goodness!by KenYesterday was a big day. It was my last chance to become a card-carrying Democrat. Presumably as of midnight I'm in the clear! Even if that was Pacific Time, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was, I'm still good. Free! Free at last!And I tell you, there were times there when I never thought I would live to see the day! I assume that your e-mailbox too has been stuffed with these thrilling offers to acquire a DNC membership card, coming from anyone and everyone affiliated with the card-issuing Democratic Party. And now, just like that, it's over.It is over, isn't it? So far I don't see any new e-mails about becoming a card-carrying Democrat, but it hasn't even been a day.Of course I never expressed any interest that I'm aware of in becoming a card-carrying Democrat. And not particularly because of the odd resonance that phrase "card-carrying" must surely have for anyone who knows any American history. The only usage I can recall for it is in the hardly desirable accusation "card-carrying Communist," which if proved, or even if not proved, come to think of it, usually meant that from that day forward your life would be hell. "Suspected card-carrying Communist" was the first thing anyone would ever hear about you.Are we sure that "card-carrying Democrat" isn't a phrase invented by the Right-Wing Noise Machine?No, I had simply hoped that by now the DNC had gotten the message that I'm can't think of any fashion in which I would wish to be associated with them, card-carrying or otherwise. So no, in case I haven't made myself perfectly clear, I will not be exercising any of these options:You'll notice that I have clipped off the address at which you can "donate another amount." Do you think I would do that to you, dear reader?#
