Donald Trump joins chorus blaming Barack Obama for leaks

Many conservative commentators have accused Barack Obama of being linked to the leaks from the Trump administration.
Furthermore, many, including American radio host Michael Savage, who recently met with President Trump, accuse Obama of using his skills as a former community organiser to bolster movements designed to undermine the legitimacy of the new administration.
Now, Trump himself has affirmed that he believes his predecessor in the White House is behind the attacks. Speaking to Fox News, Trump said,

“I think that President Obama is behind it because his people are certainly behind it. And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, you know, some of the leaks, which are really serious, because they are very bad in terms of national security. But I also understand that is politics. In terms of him being behind things, that’s politics. And it will probably continue”.

It is unprecedented in contemporary American history for a President to make such an accusation, but it is equally unprecedented for a former US leader to hold his successor in such open contempt.
Between Trump’s election victory and his inauguration, Obama engaged in acts and offered rhetoric which was unambiguously intended to sabotage the new President.
It seems that the once overt attacks will continue in a covert fashion. And now Trump has laid down the gauntlet. The deep state war on Trump, which Barack Obama is a commander in, will not stop any time soon.
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