Donald Trump – a Hawk in Socialist Disguise

It should be noted that William Shakespeare was on point when noting that all the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players. This notion is being repeatedly confirmed by the developments we’re observing across the world in various states, but the most impressive one has been taking place in the US as we witness a staged performance of geopolitical proportions unfold.
It’s enough to recall the recent carefully scripted US presidential election campaign, which hasn’t just drawn the attention of regular Americans, but international analysts as well, thus distracting them from covering more urgent problems of today, both social and financial, along with terrorist threats. And the list goes on…
Instead, we’ve all been invited to witness a massive staged event with the active involvement of various media sources that are busy discussing the style of life that candidates pursued instead of remarks that they were making. It would seem that the deeply troubled American public would be more interested in discussing wages, racial problems, excessive police brutality, drug trafficking and unemployment. But the hidden “directors of the play” decided otherwise by providing “entertainment” where a thoughtful discussion was due.
Those who chose to ignore the script presented to them were skilfully “taken out of play” like, for instance, Bernie Sanders.
The leading roles in this play were given to those who were approved by the backstage “council”, with the alleged underdog and professional showman Donald Trump fighting Hillary Clinton who was predetermined to lose due to various political and financial reasons, along with a track record of abuse and the obvious health issues she had.
However, Hillary had a significant advantage in this “spectacular performance”: the obsession to fight tooth and nail for the sake of fighting, therefore it became clear for the directors back stage that she should be brought down much earlier that they initially anticipated. And for this purpose a handful of tricks was used, like the alleged hacking of the Democratic Party’s computers, along with all sorts of inconsistent remarks that she was told to make about Trump. The unseen puppeteers have also taken full advantage of the Russophobia card they played at the very end of the campaign.
When it became clear for Hillary that she’s “the ultimate loser” in this play, she even employed illegal migrants to vote for her along with a number of other tricks. In particular, as noted by the Huffington Post, in Detroit nearly seven dozen polling stations reported that the number of ballots cast overshadowed the number of registered citizens. Moreover, a study conducted by Jesse Richman of the Norfolk University has shown that illegal migrants have been used in voting, even though they’re are not entitled to cast a ballot. The staggering amount of attempts to falsify the election has also been reported by Donald Trump’s adviser, Steven Miller.
The behind-the-scenes puppeteers have also taken full advantage of George Soros and his money bags, since he’s always willing to manipulate the media if it serves to inflate his image, even if he’s going to do it on the back of a major scandal.
For the show to be truly entertaining those who wrote Trump’s script decided to provide him with a 100% social program, even though the latter has been avoided by all means possible in the United States for decades. But capitalist promises have little to no success with modern Americans who have misplaced their trust too often in the past, so socialist ones were presented instead.
It’s hardly a secret for anyone that the average wage in the US has the same purchasing power that it had in the fifties – sixties of the last century. Should this power deteriorate even further, we could witness the situation described by Marx and Lenin, when the lower strata will no longer obey the rules anymore. Hence, Trump’s slogans made about addressing the economic problems to help an average worker out. He would announce during his inauguration speech that:

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed.

For those behind-the-scenes it was also clear that NATO in its present state is a massive burden for the US budget, so, they figured, Washington would be better off by forcing its allies to increase their military expenditures. To achieve this goal in his campaign speeches Trump was putting a particular emphasis on NATO members paying more for the so-called protection they enjoy. Certain observers have even gone as far as to announce that Trump is too soft to pursue Obama’s hawkish policies of armed conflicts, plunder and destruction.
Trump has also made a lot of remarks on China, but now he has already turned his back on them.
It also comes as no surprise that as Russia is modernizing rapidly both its economy and its armed forces, it will be caught at the center of the “election show.” First the future Trump administration has shown Russia, along with a number of other states its make believe willingness to seek dialogue with Moscow, while cooperating with Russia in such areas as the fight against international terrorism and the settlement of numerous conflicts that Washington initiated, including those in the Middle East and Ukraine. However, very quickly, the Trump administration has begun to show its true face, which is no different from the one that the previous administration had.
And it is not surprising. After all, those behind-the-scenes didn’t go anywhere, no matter who the president is now, Trump or Obama. They are paying for the show and all they really care about is further enrichment, the prosperity of a dozen tycoons owning near absolute wealth at the expense of the middle class and the poor. So one shouldn’t be too surprised when Trump continues to pressure various countries to increase their military spending to counter the nonexistent “Russian threat” overseas, while cutting social benefits for the people at home.

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”