Does Marco Rubio Still Snort Coke?

I'm not wondering if Rubio is still a cocaine user because he supported Florida coke dealer, teabagger, hate talk radio sociopath and ex-congressman Trey Radel (not to be confused with another kind of GOP sociopath, Trey Gowdy; still in Congress). I'm asking because the Tallahassee party house he and another disgraced former Republican congressman (and his ex-best friend), David Rivera, own, was once a notorious for free-flowing drugs, women and dirty cash. But maybe Rubio cleaned up his act. Watch the Colbert video and judge for yourself.And, as long as we're talking about videos and people weak-brained enough to accept Republican messaging, take a look at this video below. It really helps explain, at least to some extent, why severe Hate Talk Radio addicts are susceptible to the dysfunctional, crackpot, right-wing worldview-- and why they're a clear and present danger to society.