Does it Matter Who Runs the Garden State?

What's wrong with New Jersey?By Anonymous OperativeA few months ago I wrote of the corporatization of Democratic politics. My thesis: for a party that appeals to progressive values, we are as pathetic as those moral/value-based conservatives on the right.We are sell outs. Whether it is selling out to political consultants or Wall Street bankers, our party choses strategies and policies based on business interests. This practice is antithetical to what we preach.So, I was at dinner a few nights ago. I was sitting with a Florida political operative. He was whining about Alex Sink's loss...for about two hours.He was describing what we all know: the DCCC and Emily's List ruined the whole thing. They placed consultant retainers and TV ad buy profits before the good of the society (not to say that Alex Sink would be anything more than a corporatist New Dem). He was appalled… I laughed.I warned him that this is nothing new. It is the state of our politics. From campaign decisions to congressional banking policies, both parties are crippled by this hideous nature. My friend sighed, and seemed to agree. I felt as though I made an impression on him.I asked my friend what his next move was. I was curious what races he was interested in working on, what candidates he sought to help.He replied and said, "you know, nothing really interests me this cycle. It's going to be a blood bath."I didn't disagree."But," my friend said, "you know what I am excited for?""What is that," I asked."The race to replace Governor Christie in New Jersey he said...""Why," I asked."Because our party will have the opportunity to replace a tyrant. We will have a once in a lifetime chance of ridding a state-- so desperate for progressive change-- of the evils of a fascist dictator."I guess my friend did not really learn what I was talking about earlier in our conversation. I guess he did not take to heart my honest and heartfelt opinion that American Politics is TOTALLY crippled by corporatist behavior.There is no better example of the two-party hoax as the State of New Jersey.Those who made Chris Christie, are the same who made Cory Booker, Jon Corzine, etc...New Jersey is a state run by bosses. Namely, Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo, businessman (criminal) George Norcross Jr, his brother and soon to be Congressman Donald Norcross, and their cronies, run the state.I went on to explain to my friend that Chris Christie is just a relatively talented fat man who the bosses identified as someone who could appeal to factions of the state's mildly educated electorate. He was-- at first glance-- the anti-Jon Corzine. He was slovenly and brash. He had cultivated an air of angry white guy authenticity that resonates with New Jersey voters and claimed to be someone who speaks his mind.But in decision after decision, Chris Christie helps the same business interests Jon Corzine helped. He sits in the same sky boxes at Giants stadium that Booker sits in. He plays the same game as every other successful NJ politician.It is inaccurate to say he sold out. He was never different. The minute he showed his ambition was the minute he put himself on sale to corporate elite who run the state.New Jersey is the epitome of American Politics. The bosses use the two party system as a distraction, much like professional sports.They appeal to the electorate's basic instincts, and are able to disguise their interests and motives behind the veils of party friction.My friend did not learn much from our conversation. He will probably go work for Steve Sweeney when he runs as the anti-Chris Christie. But we all witnessed 2013. We all saw the so called Democratic bosses push Barbara Buono to the side of the road. That was an anti-Chris Christie. And no one bought in. She was not for sale.People like Buono would never give in to criminal activity. But there is little she can do about it sitting in what is probably a lovely, modest home in Montclair, while Norcross and Christie galavant to Iowa, Nevada, or New Hampshire--maybe even via the George Washington Bridge!