The Doctors Without Borders Kunduz Afghanistan Hospital Slaughter: The US Government "Investigates" And Finds Its Murderous Military "Not Guilty" Of This Serious War Crime! (Why Am I Not Shocked?)

I posted three previous articles about the American murderous attack on a Doctors Without Borders (Medicine Sans Frontieres)hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan back on October 3, 2015 that resulted in the slaughter of some 42 innocent people and leaving some other 30 crippled.... It was an unprovoked act of genocide against unarmed civilians conducted by the US airforce using a US airforce AC-130U gunship, and to this day the US government has never accepted full blame for this callous act.. The US government instead has said it was a 'mistake' and that they would conduct a thorough "investigation" (what a laugh!) into what "actually happened"....I have been waiting for that full report by the US military about this act of cold blooded murder to finally come out, and yes the report arrived as of yesterday... And according to the following report from the Huffington Post online news service at, the US government has found itself "not guilty" for this act of genocide!   First, here is the link to that important Huffington Post article for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Honestly, was anyone really shocked by this outcome?The facts are simple and need to be understood by everyone...The US military is now acting withimpunity everywhere, and yes they actually think that they are above all standards of law and international law....Therefore, this outcome was not unexpected, and the US government will again get away with murder...Honestly, I was hoping for so much more... I had hoped that the US government was to at least take part of the blame for this atrocity and would be willing to make some kind of amends to the victims of this tragedy and act of cold blooded murder.. But sadly, I was wrong, and the US military gets away with it again like in so many other cases where they have murdered innocent people....Yes, the evidence should be crystal clear to everyone by now... The US and the US military are absolutely not a "force for good" and "peace" any where across the planet today...They are instead a force for conquest, occupation, and murder.. The attack on that hospital in Kunduz shows this to be proof positive...More to comeNTS