Districts Obama Won In 2008 and/or 2012 Where The DCCC Isn't Recruiting Candidates Against Vulnerable Republicans

I've noticed a disturbing pattern since "ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel took over the DCCC. He consistently leaves bluer districts on the table and goes after impossibly red ones if he has a Blue Dog or New Dem running in the redder district. He would rather expend treasure on re-stocking the House Democratic caucus with reactionaries and corporate whores like himself than see a progressive win a seat. After his stupendous failures in 2012-- while Obama was winning the country and while the DSCC was winning one red Senate seat after another-- I was astounded to see Pelosi reappoint him. She doomed America to another two years of GOP rule in the House. Below is a list of districts that Obama won in either 2008 or 2012 (or both years) where the DCCC hasn't recruited a candidate to run against a Republican incumbent yet. Instead, Israel has busied himself recruiting extremely right-wing Democrats-- including raving homophobes, anti-Choice fanatics and corrupt sleazebags-- to run in far more difficult terrain. Take Israel fave Jennifer Garrison, for example, who's running against Republican incumbent Bill Johnson in OH-06 (southeastern Ohio, basically, Appalachia). The district has a PVI of R+8 and Obama lost there with 45% against McCain and with 43% against Romney. The last Blue Dog Israel ran there (an ex-congressman from the district), in 2012, lost 53-47%. Of the 18 counties in the district, Johnson won 14 and one was a statistical tie. Jennifer Garrison is one of the most reviled politicians in Ohio. She's hated by grassroots Democrats but she's exactly the kind of candidate Steve Israel is looking for.Every single one of these districts would be a far easier fight for a Democrat but the DCCC hasn't bothered recruiting a candidate in any of them-- and in the ones where grassroots candidates are running-- the DCCC is hostile and negative. Remember, the people in these districts know how to vote for Democrats, having given Obama majorities in one or both of the last two presidential elections.• IN-02- Jackie Walorski• IL-14- Randy Hultgren• WI-06- Tom Petri• MI-04- Dave Camp• NV-02- Mark Amodei• NE-02- Lee Terry• MI-03- Justin Amash• IL-16- Adam Kinzinger• CA-49- Darrell Issa• PA-16- Joe Pitts• IL-06- Peter Roskam• MI-11- Kerry Bentivolio• WI-01- Paul Ryan• VA-10- Frank Wolf• WA-03- Jaime Herrera Beutler• MI-08- Mike Rogers• PA-15- Charlie Dent• MN-02- John Kline• VA-02- Scott Rigell• PA-07- Pat Meehan• MN-03- Erik Paulsen• PA-06- Jim Gerlach• WI-07- Sean Duffy• WI-08- Reid Ribble• FL-27- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen• WA-08- Dave Reichert• MI-06- Fred Upton• NY-02- Peter King• NJ-03- Jon Runyan• NJ-02- Frank LoBiondoIt's statistically impossible for the Democrats to win back the House if a significant number of these Republicans win reelection. If Steve Israel continues keeping these races off the table... well, the math is easy, no matter how unhappy "business" says it is with crazy teabaggers. It won't help the House Dems if the DCCC fails-- as it has been-- to recruit viable candidates in plausible districts. Steve Israel and his lackeys refuse to do that. Pelsoi should wake up from her dream of a superman reptile winning her back the speakership. That's the furthest thing from Israel's mind.