In-Depth Interview, Pt. II: Nichols and McChesney Talk About the Future, and How to Make it More Democratic

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In our second installment, journalist John Nichols of The Nation and Prof. Bob McChesney talk about their new book, People Get Ready:  The Fight Against  A Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy...American job losses due to automation and offshoring are expected to increase in the not-so-distant future, and McChesney and Nichols offer a roadmap forward to protect our standard of living while democratizing the digital age.
They expand on some of the themes in their book, declaring that capitalism is dying but rejecting a dystopian vision.  They offer ideas to address environmental and social problems in a new economy that can renew and expand democratic institutions.
They describe looming fascism, and call on us to demand a different dynamic that will challenge power structures and empower individuals to chart a different course.
"Imagine if the people were ready, finally, to demand democracy--and all the freedom, fairness and human potential that extends from the moment when the profiteers and the pretenders are pushed aside and we, the people, forge our future".
