In-Depth Interview: Attorney Zena Crenshaw-Logal Explains Why US Human Rights and Whistleblower Laws Are a “Shell Game”

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Zena Crenshaw-Logal, attorney and co-founder of National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, details her new study showing that legal protections for whistleblowers and human rights victims are a "shell game". In a fascinating new report, Crenshaw-Logal describes "The Third Degree", the pattern of "persecution and mental torture imposed through the US legal system" and often applied as retaliation to whistleblowers.  She explains the 5 goals of The Third Degree, implemented through at least 7 legal system abuses.  And we note that the US legal system does not permit appeals to international courts or other bodies.
We talk about the ineffectiveness of legal remedies, and the pattern of federal agencies like the Merit Systems Protection Board denying protection to credible whistleblowers.
We delve into the case of Joe Carson, a Dept. of Energy whistleblower who has spent 25 years challenging the "broken covenant" of the MSPB and the Office of Special Counsel, which is supposed to oversee MSPB.  Joe is a longtime listener and loyal subscriber to this podcast.
