In-Depth Interview: Activist Kevin Zeese Explains Why Sanders Should Jump to Green Party

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Following up on the controversy generated by the proposal by Kevin Zeese and Patrick Walker that Sanders should move to the Green Party, Zeese joins us to talk about the rationale, and prospects of beating Trump and Clinton.You can read the Zeese-Walker essay here.  Details of the poll that shows 91% of voters under 30 wanting a 3rd candidate in November are here.
While the narrative from the Clinton campaign that's amplified in corporate media says that Sanders should drop out of the race to avoid "harming" Clinton, Zeese argues that Clinton is the weaker candidate who's likely to lose to Trump.
In recent speeches, Sanders has aimed his criticism directly at the leaders of the Democratic Party, with warnings that they are alienating young and progressive voters.  As Dem leaders try to wedge in progressives with fear of Trump, Sanders can neutralize that effort just by holding public talks with Jill Stein about a possible alliance.  And, we discuss, Sanders could win a 3-way race with Trump and Clinton, forcing a much-needed reorganization of the Democratic Party.
It's an important and timely conversation aimed at provoking dialogue and action to challenge corporate control and try to restore the Democratic Party to its pre-Clinton mission of representing working people.
Get more information on Kevin Zeese and Popular Resistance, click here.
We end the podcast with "Do the Clinton" by The Foremen with Roy Zimmerman.
