Dems: Future Leaks Might Be ‘Russian Lies’

After hacker Guccifer 2.0 twice hacked significant Democratic Party targets, first releasing considerable information during the DNC and then hacking the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, party leadership appears to be getting a bit gunshy about future leaks embarrassing their presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. They’re also trying to get in front of such leaks by speculating that whatever they say might be “Russian lies” designed to make Hillary look bad.
Democrats have repeatedly speculated that Guccifer 2.0 amounts to the Russian government, and have suggested the hacks were a Russian plot to get the Republican nominee elected.
There is no evidence to support this claim, and so far the indications are that everything that’s been leaked is spot-on fact. With more than a few embarrassing tidbits already released, the fear that there could be a “October surprise” with more embarrassing tidbits is palpable.
Still, it’s a huge stretch to support that this is all a Russian plot, and stretched further still in speculating that there will be future leaks, let alone that they may be lies. What it is, however, is a tacit admission that there is more leak-able information which party officials believe could be hugely deleterious to the campaign.
