Democrats Don't Want The Status Quo Ante Candidate, Do They? How Do You Know Which One Is Which?

Gonzalez and MassieI haven't looked into the Massachusetts gubernatorial primary too closely-- probably because I expect the incumbent, Republican Charlie Baker, to win no matter who the Democratic candidate is. All the polls show him beating either Deval Patrick's former Secretary of Administration and Finance Jay Gonzalez or author and activist Robert Massie, Setti Warren and Maura Healy both having taken themselves out of contention.Massie's campaign sent out an interesting e-mail this week though, headlined Clinton vs Bernie. It took me by surprise. Before we look at it. remember that Bernie did very well against Hillary in the 2016 primary, winning 7 of the state's 14 counties and beating Trump by a landslide in every single county. His message was overt: I'm the exciting Bernie candidate of change and Gonzalez is the status quo Hillary candidate. "Voters in Massachusetts," he wrote, "are starting to pick up on what the media has known for a long time. The strongest candidate for governor will be a Beacon Hill outsider with a record of bold, progressive leadership. The choice is clear: a centrist insider with political baggage, or Bob Massie, a fresh start to put Massachusetts back in the lead for progressive government."

Politico’s Lauren Dezenski defines the race as between a centrist insider, Jay Gonzalez, and a progressive outsider, Bob Massie. Following her commentary, you’ll hear a forum with Bob and Jay recorded the day the race was narrowed to two candidates.WBUR“Looks like to me an establishment Dem candidate versus an outsider [Bob Massie]. Looks like Clinton vs. Bernie.”  “This is the time Bob Massie has been working toward for 40 years,” said Massie spokeswoman Mara Dolan. “He’s been working to create this time, this political climate.”Boston GlobeBoston Globe Political Editor Shira Center says the race is defined as between progressive Bob Massie and centrist Jay Gonzalez, and that in this blue wave political climate, Bob Massie has the advantage....Massachusetts is bogged down by a Republican governor who is raising money to help Donald Trump. The myth of Baker’s invincibility has been shattered as polls show him failing to break even 50% approval on a single policy issue. Voters are catching on that a true progressive is the best way to defeat Baker and put Massachusetts back into a progressive leadership position. Bob Massie is the candidate we need, at just the right time. With your contribution, Massachusetts can have a governor the whole country can be proud of. Thank you so very much for all your support.

Most Democratic candidates won't take a stand like that because they feel they need both Bernie and Hillary backers to win an election. In a primary, though, it's not unheard of, especially for candidates who were former activists for one or the other. For example, in CA-49, the district that spans southern Orange County and northern San Diego County, Doug Applegate backed Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general, while his primary opponents-- Mike Levin, Sara Jacobs and Paul Kerr-- were all Hillary activists. Ditto for Randy Bryce in Wisconsin. He was a Bernie activist during the primary and then worked for the Hillary campaign during the run up to the general. The other Democrat in the primary was a Hillary person in the primary and general. Bernie came to the district and endorsed Bryce at a big event. In Hawaii Kaniela Ing was a loud Bernie supporter. His opponents-- Donna Mercado Kim, Ernie Martin and Doug Chin were all for Hillary-- and pretend-Democrat Beth Fukumoto campaigned for Trump.