Democratic Unity?

The Democratic establishment will soon be appealing to progressives to come together and fight Trump with determined unity. I tend to agree. I hate lesser of two evils choices and tend not to take the bait... but Trump is so beyond the pale that I'm even prepared to recommend that people vote for the worst Democrats running, even right with Democrats who will shit on the Democratic Party's brand and, in the long run, do immense damage to the party and the country-- nightmare candidates like Jeff Van Drew (NJ) and Anthony Brindisi. Trump must be stopped and it it takes electing crap Blue Dogs... in districts where they are the only option, that's what we probably have to do. They were elected in their primaries and that's that.On the other hand, it's... curious that Pelosi and her gang of political cutthroats see unity as a one-way street. The DCCC and other manifestations of a corrupt and putrid establishment still refuses to get behind the legitimate primary winners who they judge as too progressive. Pelosi and her sick and destructive crew have been belittling and attacking Alexandria Ocasio Cortez since she won her compelling victory against Wall Street puppet Joe Crowley 15,897 (57.48%) to 11,761 (42.52%). Rahm Emanuel protégée Tammy Duckworth belittled Ocasio's tremendous feat by saying her progressive platform couldn't win in the (white) Midwest, forgetting, apparently, that Ocasio's platform was essentially the Bernie Sanders platform which did win in the (white) Midwest, outright in Wisconsin (56.6% to 43.1), Minnesota (61.6% to 38.4%), Michigan (49.5 to 48.3%), Indiana (52.5% to 47.5%), West Virginia (51.4% to 35.8%) and North Dakota ( 64.2% to 25.6%).As far as Pelosi, she called bitterly Ocasio's stupendous win an "outlier" and has refused to allow the DCCC she controls to endorse swing district primary winners running on progressive platforms-- particularly Kara Eastman (NE), Jess King (PA) and Dana Balter (NY). That's the heart of the one-way street mentality that loses the DCCC so many winnable races. She expects progressives to hold their noses and vote for crap candidates the establishment helped win primaries for, while she continues to sabotage candidates who won primaries against failed establishment candidates. Really sucks. Worse yet, the Berniecrat candidate for governor of Maryland, former NAACP president Ben Jealous , won his primary and continues to be undermined by establishment Democrats as former Democratic official keep endorsing Republican incumbent Larry Hogan, including former Maryland Democratic Party chairman Nate Landow, ex-Lt Gov Mickey Steinberg, ex-Speaker Clay Mitchell, ex-DNC Treasurer Scott Pastrick, retired federal judge Alex Williams and ex-House Majority Whip Bill Cox.Blue America has revived the popular Act Blue page, Abandoned by the DCCC, that is devoted to congressional candidates who won their primaries and then shunned by the DCCC. Not included on the page are Democrats like Ocasio who are in solid blue districts, just Democrats who fit the Red-to-Blue standards but who have been left off the red-to-blue page which many contributors consider the green light to donate to candidates. Please consider contributing to these candidates, who probably need your help more than any other Democrats. They are running in tough districts and the DCCC is not helping them, while helping more conservative primary winners who won their primaries since these candidates won.In the past couple of days, Becca Rast, campaign manager for Jess King, noted in her Twitter feed, that "Jess is demonstrating everyday that leading with values and honesty is what moves independents and Republicans, not running to the "center" with policy. Voters, regardless of party, are looking to vote for somebody who will fight for them." This flies right in the face of the DCCC, which has no interest whatsoever in values and honesty and insist candidates run to the center-- or right-of-center. One of the comments under the tweet validated Becca's perspective from an older man in the district who wrote that he hopes Jess know she stands a chance "I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Republican and I support Jess. Finding Lloyd Smucker is like Where's Waldo." In a second tweet, she noted that "every single @JessForCongress town hall this week so far has been DOUBLE or TRIPLE the size of our last event in that town. This is momentum. People are fired up and ready to thrown down for a candidate whois ready to stand up for the people! And in a third tweet, she addressed the argument over Alexandria Ocasio directly.

Don't think @Ocasio2018 is having an impact in red districts? A a Lancaster town hall, Jess just gave a shout out to her people-powered campaign and the audience exploded in clapping. People are FED UP by politicians in both parties who side with Wall Street.

Pelosi and the Old Guard should start paying attention, before it's too late.