This Democrat lawmaker has “damning evidence” Russia meddled in US elections. His smoking gun is John McCain (Video)

How many lies can a politician say in one 5 minute TV segment.
Wisconsin Democrat Mark Pocan says he’s read classified reports and there’s “damning evidence” of Trump-Russia collusion and that reporters will be breaking stories.
We are eight months into this complete liberal left scam, and we have exactly zero evidence from anyone.
Mark Pocan “damning evidence” of Russian US election meddling…
1. The 16 or 17 agencies (everyone has a different number it seems, but no one can name all of the agencies) for which he read and re-read parts of it, but cannot explain to the public any part of it.
2. The British agent dossier that Buzzfeed leaked which was a complete scam and debunked by every news source, including liberal left news sources.
3. Because John McCain says Russia is meddling in US elections.

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