Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, will run for President in 2020

Not since JFK has a person with such youthful charismatic potential appeared on the political scene, representing real hope for all people on the planet, not only Americans.
Tulsi Gabbard’s twitter account describes her thus:
“Soldier. Veteran. Surfer. Member of Congress. Doing my best to be of service.”
An insight into her character.
On so many issues she represents the dreams of ordinary people around the world, again emphasising not only Americans, that will, its predicted (if she is elected), create the greatest change and upheaval in modern history.
Dramatic and over zealous words many will say.
If you like people who ‘talk truth to power’, you will find no one in the entire US Congress with more integrity than this lady. Having said that, she stands with a handful of other honourable and youthful politicians who hold similar high standards such as Rand Paul and Trey Gowdy to name but two. There are a few more; but not many believe me!
If nothing else, Gabbard’s candidacy represents the start of the end of the days of the octogenarians that have dominated US politics, exemplified by the warmongering late Sen. John McCain.
A new generation must take over.
The remaining old men and woman in the US Congress maintain 20th Century dead ideas and cannot comprehend the many new problems of the 21st Century and must go.
Two recent tweets of her’s sum up her directness, honesty and absolute integrity.
One was when she tweeted derisively about US President Donald Trump’s continued commitment to Saudi Arabia after the horrendous murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s, when she called the President “Saudi Arabia’s b*tch.” I would add personally to that comment another country which is Israel, but that is my addition, not hers.
The other tweet in the last 48 hours was spot on regarding the immediacy of dealing with the threat to our planet’s environment:
We need leadership in Washington that will protect our air, our water, and our health. Continuing down this path is unimaginable!
Representing Hawaii, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was the first Hindu of Indian origin elected to the US Congress and at 37, one of the youngest too. A note of interest was she converted to Hinduism in adult life.
She told CNN Friday afternoon this: “I have decided to run and will be making a formal announcement within the next week”.
The political establishment and main stream media will try and write her off but they will be proven wrong.
Another plus factor, apart from her potentially being the first woman President, that makes her a dream ticket leader for Democrats, is the fact she is an Iraq war veteran.
She further told CNN that there are many reasons for her decision. “There are a lot of challenges that are facing the American people that I’m concerned about and that I want to help solve,” listing health care, criminal justice reform and climate change as key issues also stating “There is one main issue that is central to the rest, and that is the issue of war and peace. I look forward to being able to get into this and to talk about it in depth when we make our formal announcement.”
In her favour also is the fact that Gabbard is no fan of Hillary Clinton, which she proved when she threw her weight behind the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for President in the last election, resigning, on principle, as vice chairwoman of the Democrat Party (DNC) to do so, when almost all senior party officials were backing Clinton.
To quote the New York Times of Saturday about her “Experience could be a major vulnerability for Ms. Gabbard, who was re-elected in November. The only sitting representative elected president was James Garfield in 1880, and most presidents have previously been a senator or governor. She will be 39 on Inauguration Day in 2021, which would make her, if elected, the youngest president in American history. Only two presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, have taken office before age 45.”
Some pundits say the New York Times represents a part of the dying establishment of main stream media, so their influence appears to be waning. The above is an unusually descriptive extract with impartial facts of interest from their (the NYT) piece yesterday.
It is under 48 hours since her announcement of her intention to run for President and you can be sure a great deal will be written about her every day till the 2020 elections.
Get ready to see the massive push back against her….and be ready to push back harder and send the warmongers and those that deny the imminent environmental dangers to our planet, over their proverbial cliff for good.
In conclusion, if people want honour, integrity, patriotism and honesty back in politics, people like and of Tulsi Gabbard’s generation are the only solution for the next President.
The post Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, will run for President in 2020 appeared first on The Duran.
