Debate: Jay Dyer VS Uniate Luc Dauvin – Absolute Divine Simplicity

Luc is finally getting what he wanted so bad – a debate! We will be discussing ADS and the Roman Catholic dogmas over against the Orthodox views. Luc is a Uniate. The debate is tonight at 10Pm EST 

Here is a list of the first few statements from Ott on grace:

“1. Sanctifying Grace is a created supernatural gift really distinct from God. (Sent. fidei proxima.)
2. Sanctifying Grace is a supernatural state of being which is infused by God, and which permanently inheres in the soul. (Sent. certa.)
3. Sanctifying grace is not a substance, but a real accident, which inheres in the soul-substance. (Sent. certa.)
4. Sanctifying grace is really distinct from charity. (Sent. communior.)
5. Supernatural grace is a participation in the divine nature. (Sent. certa.)”

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