De-Manufacturing Consent-Message to DC: Stop Watching Us, We Are Not the Enemy

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Kelly Vlahos
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Washington, DC based freelance journalist, Kelley Vlahos. Guillermo and Kelley discuss the Stop Watching Us rally held in DC over the weekend in protest of the NSA’s domestic surveillance program and the “strange bedfellows” that gathered together for a common cause. We also revisit the case of Miriam Carey, a “post-9/11 harbinger,” who was killed by police just a few short weeks ago in the ultra-paranoid city of Washington, DC. We discuss the media’s failures in reporting this story, why it remains relevant and should not be brushed aside as “old news,” and the lessons that can be learned from this tragic event.
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