De-Manufacturing Consent- Continuity of Agenda: 20 Years of War in Iraq

Democrats & Republicans United in Continuity of Agenda!
On September 10, 2014, Barack Obama became the fourth consecutive US President to announce the bombing of the country of Iraq.
Whether it’s a conservative former head of the CIA; a freewheeling, smoothing talking womanizer from Arkansas; a bumbling Bonesman with a fake Texas accent, who was actually raised in Connecticut; or the nation’s first black President who inspired legions of gullible young Americans with the promise of hope and change … Despite their varied personal backgrounds and their purported ideological differences, both Democrats and Republicans in power have demonstrated a remarkable continuity of agenda.
When it comes to the issues that really matter: foreign policy, the national security state, perpetual warfare, the curbing of civil liberties along with the expansion of the police and surveillance state; it has not mattered which figurehead fills the oval office in the last 20 years.
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