De-Manufacturing Consent- Are Americans Getting Serious about Ending the Drug War?

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Phillip Smith
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Phillip Smith, writer and editor of the Drug War Chronicle and drug policy activist. Phillip describes what end to the drug war in the United States would look like, and how close we may be to achieving this goal. We discuss the four pending marijuana legalization initiatives that are on the ballot in November, and what the odds may be of ending prohibition across the country in the foreseeable future. We also go over the current “tax and regulate” legalization model being used in Washington and Colorado, whether or not it’s been successful, and how this model stacks up to others employed around the world.
Lastly, we explore some of the arguments against legalization. Is there a danger for the emerging marijuana industry to become the new “Big Tobacco?” What, if anything, should be done to prevent this? Beyond “reefer madness” and other misguided fears, are there any legitimate reasons for keeping marijuana and other drugs illegal?
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